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WOODYTHEWISE last won the day on November 3 2019

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  1. Yes indeed, thank you.
  2. Hi Gareth, thank you. I will try the main dealer. I was toying with the idea of changing the A8. I wanted to be accurate in my description. Some options are more obvious than others. Thank you again, John.
  3. Hi Gareth, thank you. I will try the main dealer. I was toying with the idea of changing the A8. I wanted to be accurate in my description. Some options are more obvious than others. Thank you again, John.
  4. Hi everyone. Not posted for quite a while. No problems at all with my 2013 A8. I am looking to find a list of options my car came with when new (i purchased in 2019). I originally had some sort of app that listed them all. Since changing phones i can no longer view it. Have tried Google but they just list various apps that are meant for more modern vehicles. Hoping someone on here may be kind enough to help me. Thanks, John.
  5. Hi everyone. I have at the moment a 2013 A8 with comfort seats. I am thinking at acquiring an S6. I have read that the standard seats in the S6 are pretty dire, as are the sports seats and the super sports seats. I have a long term back problem and comfort is very important. Any owners of a S6 care to comment.? Thank you.
  6. I currently own a 2013 A8 with comfort seats. Are comfort seats the same through the Audi range. Are for example comfort seats in a A6 Exactly the same as in an A8. I am thinking of acquiring an A6.
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