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Everything posted by SianL

  1. Hi! Thanks very much! :) Yeah I know the rattling - it was a problem with the fiesta I had, although it was super fun to drive! Your right the newer stuff is massive, I know everyone wants more space but does a focus really need to be that big?! I do have a yellow light - but to be fair I've had the car for 6 weeks, the lights been on for 2 and there isn't any difference in the 'weight' of the steering at all. I'm praying that its not going to be an expensive problem (although I've had a quick search around and most people with the same problem are saying it needed a steering rack at a cost of £500ish!) so fingers crossed! I knew I should have opted for a shiny new one instead of a used one!
  2. Hiya everyone, new to world of audi ownership - after four years of ford (I know) :) So far I'm loving the little A3 i have! Although I do have a little question about a scary looking pas light that's staring at me! Not sure where to post it - as I'm pretty useless with forums - so a helping hand would be lovely! Thanks all Sian
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