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Matthew Bowker

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Everything posted by Matthew Bowker

  1. Hi everyone, Recently my Dad has given me his old Audi A6 C5 which he's owned since the early 2000's. It's a FWD 1896cc diesel which has had zero mechanical issues; the only problem it's had was an electrical issue, caused from leaves building up between the windscreen and the bonnet. It's in good condition and is currently just sat collecting dust in his garage so it's got me wondering whether this could potentially be a nice little project car. I want to turn it into something a bit more exciting so I was wondering whether it would be possible to convert this into a AWD 'Quattro' with (mostly) bolt on parts or would I need to make some significant changes to the body of the car? I would imagine the chassis/frame of this car is the same as it's Quattro variants of the same year so it's just a case of fitting a drivetrain/shaft? Any insight would be really appreciated. Like I said, I'm just exploring the possibility currently. I look forward to hearing from you. Cheers, Matt
  2. Hi everyone, This is my first time posting a forum topic on Audi Owners Club so hopefully I get this right. Basically I have a bit of a project car idea in mind and I'm looking for some advise. My Dad has driven a Audi A6 C5 since he purchased it second hand in the early 2000's. It's a FWD 1896cc diesel which has had zero mechanical problems; the only thing he has had trouble with is the ECU which got flooded with autumn leaves a few years back. Just over a year and a half ago he decided to retire the A6 when he got himself an Audi A4 2014 reg and has given me the A6. Since then I've been wondering whether I could turn this car into something a bit more exciting so with that in mind, is it possible to convert this FWD Audi C5 into a AWD 'Quattro' with (mostly) bolt on parts? Or would the whole body of the car need to be cut up and altered to get the drivetrain/shaft in? My guess would be the chassis and frame is the same as the Quattro variants sold in 2000 but I don't know, any insight would be appreciated. If possible I plan to swap the engine with something with more power like Audi's 1.8T petrol and other upgrades for some track fun. Look forward to hearing from you in advance. Matt
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