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  1. Ryan, it could be a lot of different things. No one can say exactly without taking the engine apart. If it is coming from the top, it is probably related to something in the heads. When the oil pressure is low the things that get affected first are the lifters and the cams. So the knock is most probably from there. However, the knock is only the result of the issue, you will need to find what caused the low oil pressure in the first place. I would suggest taking the car to a good Audi indy and letting him take a look.
  2. I have a 2008 S6 Avant with parking sensors in the front and also in the rear + rear camera. Till yesterday I also had the graphic display working fine and showing when I get close to an object. All of a sudden it stopped working... The rear camera is working and the sensors do give a tone when approaching an obstacle, but I don't get anything on the display. This morning I poked around with the settings in the MMI and saw that the graphic parking was disabled. I enabled it again, but nothing... After restarting the car it was switched off, which leads me to think there might be some fault in the system somewhere. However, with everything else working fine, I don't have a clue where to start checking. Any ideas or suggestions?
  3. II am very happy that you liked the video. t is great that it worked for you without unplugging the amp. The thing is that for most people it doesn't work that way. The CP protection ends up getting triggered and there is either no audio at all or only from the left channel. This is why unplugging the amp is recommended. Better safe than sorry, you know :) Regarding the 3G MMI, I know it is with SD card there. The files and instructions are in the download links. As my S6 uses MMI 2G, I couldn't really show how to do the update with the SD card. My point was that it is essentially the same processes, when it comes to updating, the only difference being the update medium used. :)
  4. Hi guys, I am also a new Audi owner. I've had several Mercedes and BMW, but never Audi so I decided to give it a go as well. As I was limited in terms of cash, I purchased the cheapest S6 4F in Eastern Europe. Video of the car. 🙂
  5. I have created a complete guide on how to upgrade MMI 2G and 3G to the latest version of the firmware - 5570. The key thing here is that in the tutorial I am showing you how to not brick your Bose AMP in the process. No special tools or VCDS required. If you use the links to download the updates the only thing that you will need is blank CDs. If you have any questions let me know. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cajxNC4TGo&t=0s
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