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ThomasG last won the day on December 20 2023

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    A6 Allroad BiTdi
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Community Answers

  1. Ignore my message...I just saw...an A3. Good luck though!
  2. Hello, the system flagged you'd replied to this thread. Stevey Y was correct. You could try to replace yourself as they will charge you for !Removed! diagnostics now. I foolishly didn't include the part number in the photos... Good luck, and just tell them, the teeth will be off it, and it just needs replacing...as they suck through theirs and shake their heads...
  3. I had a few fail. Also make sure you get a gen part. I ended up paying twice when I didn't. But go for a run with the auto-dip on, if that won't work, it's the level sensor: https://www.lllparts.co.uk/product/4h0941286g/level-sensor-with-poles They've gone up in price!! jeez
  4. Change the ride height sensor first. Though they are 80 quid. It's just I had a similar thing, and it was the sensor on the axle - have your auto-dipping lights failed too?
  5. I had winter tyres all year on a volvo once. The howl in the summer...
  6. Ive not had that residual pressure when ive had sensor issues. I think it may be the airbag 😞 Thing about sensors too, is that you do need to get good ones.
  7. I had this, here's the thread...
  8. Look at the thread above. It will be the useless plastic teeth problem ... Goo luck
  9. My ACC has died - scan says no signal. Has anyone had any experience with refitting these things, and then the dreaded calibration? Also, I can't seem to see where to take the front off to access it without a lift.
  10. ODBEleven...It's fantastic. It's solved many problems, and also allowed me to argue the toss with the garage!
  11. Can you hear the pump? Mine gets blocked. Pull it off an stick a pin in 🙂
  12. Have you scanned it and made sure it's not just a sensor?
  13. The garage changed it - but it shouldn't need coding.
  14. Haha, we don't have those new-fangled food delivery services here 😉
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