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Everything posted by snapdragon

  1. Sounds like it has been deleted/disabled on the ECU. Lucky you.
  2. Yes that channel has many good D4 how to videos but many are in a foreign language with no closed captions but he does some in English too.
  3. Thanks for the update. You’re a fast worker! I have the same problem for a year and still procrastinating so your guide will be bookmarked for times of better weather or an empty garage. 👍
  4. Yes you have to remove that whole £1900 trim. What exactly is wrong the outer fins or the two flaps behind it (common problem due to design/manufacturing fault)
  5. Having had a A8 D3 with Bose for 12 years and now a D4 facelift with it for a year, I wouldn't bother. I loved it in the D3 and was looking forward to the 10 years of advances in the D4, but It sounds just like a normal car stereo to me, very cheap and nasty speakers and sound is nothing special, no front staging like the D3. Like so many things these days, more of just a branding exercise. It sounds exactly like the BOSE in a 66 KIA Sorento we had and not worth the hassle and expense of the retrofit. I see lots of similar posts on various forums so have discounted me just being unlucky.
  6. The triangular apertures on the top ones would be a PITA to clean so I would get the bottom ones if it was me. I have 21" and they are too hard and crashy so looking for 18" if anyone has a set to sell.
  7. The answer is: it depends on which headlights you have. It should say somewhere on the lamp housing.
  8. Is this the pipe under the bonnet at the back of the engine? I see so many photos on google image search of the white powdery deposit build up of salt where it continually weeps here and eventually lets go. A terrible quality part that costs £150+ for which there is no substitute (It's a custom moulded nylon pipe all the way to the tank at the back of the car) and takes 2 hours labour to fit. Mine is weeping I am loathed to replace it and hope to glue it with cyanocrylate if it gets worse. The joint can be pulled out of the pipe and glued back in, but due to the pressure may not hold. It would have to be stronger than original to last, that is a tall order in itself. I do not want to attempt a pre-emptive repair in case it makes it worse and I am left with a £200-300 bill.
  9. When I had an '06 3.0 TDI, there was no tank in the pump. The lift pump was built into the HPDP. You only need compression and fuel to start a diesel. Can you undo a union on one of the injectors and crank to see if diesel leaks out. Should be a noticeable trickle from each? Can you try a starting fluid such as Bradex Easy Start to see if it fires up for a second? When cranking, can you feel pulses of gas from the exhaust? What about the throttle that closes when you turn of the engine in the air intake, roughly behind the left headlight, made of aluminium - can you visually inspect the flap? When I had a DPF blocked in 2010, a specialist removed it from the ECU but hollowed out the pre-cat only by mistake, so the DPF became totally blocked but would still start easily, just no power once exhaust pressure built up.
  10. 2015 (D4 does not support LTE) - it is 3G and 3G has been all but switched off in most of the world and in the UK apart from on O2 (and VMOs that piggyback on O2 such as Tesco and Giff Gaff). There is the odd region where 3G still works on other networks - you can find the specific dates by searching the web.
  11. If you could get the full VCDS log of a code read, you would at least get the date and time that the error first appeared. It might even be something silly like steering wheel is not at 0 degrees when driving straight which will throw an error.
  12. The 2014 models don't even support LTE, it should say 3G. Have BT switched off 3G in your areas yet, some of the UK mobile providers have and others are in the process. You have to google it:- The company (BT/EE) aims to switch off its 3G network entirely in early 2024. EE, under BT Group, has also been slowly shutting down its 3G network across hundreds of towns and cities across the UK since February 2021. https://www.businessmobiles.com/blog/news/3g-shut-down-uk-networks-switch-off/#:~:text=O2 will continue to offer,before the 2033 cutoff date.&text=Three will gradually phase out,by the end of 2024. O2 seems the best bet, e.g. GiffGaff. What does it say in TEL > Settings about the connection?
  13. 7P6980551C - £80 on Aliexpress, but if there is a burning smell it may be the module in the boot. If you do change it, you may need to disconnect the battery first otherwise it may say needs calibration/basic setting if it notices a new one. Maybe the burning smell was a coincidence?
  14. I had this on a D3, replaced the compressor and would not accept the height measurements and had to do the basic settings (procedure of entering height from wheel-arch to wheel centre) in smaller increments by using smaller guessed measurements and repeating the process. I did wonder if perhaps the ground was not 100% flat.
  15. Yes Audis may have heated windscreens, even in 2004. They don't have a patent for the old ford embedded element types so they use the condensed aluminium with laser cut lines to separate the elements. The dealers are idiots.
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