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    Quattro A4 B6 1.8TDI
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  1. Disconnect your battery before doing this wear vinyl gloves, use a torch, get your glasses to see what you're doing 🙂 Get the panel off the inside of the boot door, take a look at the cables, anything is obviously is out of kilter, consider if this is the issue. Also note any corrosion as this might alter the grounding/earthing of the wiper motor. Where does it earth? If the cable whizzes off somewhere, see if you can work out where and check that out. As far as the half way thing, it could be that the worm gear (if it's that type) in the wiper motor might be worn out, or the gear that it turns. Have you felt it? Does it really push all the way like it should or is it definitely electrical? Wiper motors are ten a penny, and easy to replace. As for the starting issue, not sure. Can't surmise without more info. Take a look under the battery, I noticed only today that in that cavity water can collect and cause problem perhaps.
  2. Read title, came to say fuse... however... it's not that hard to get the panel off to help you see if there is any cable damage behind there. If you mean the diagnostic plug, which is blue, around 20 pins or so, female side on the car... I found mine about 10 inches back under the right hand side of the steering column - it's set back a little into the panel, not easy to see. When I find my Haynes manual I'll look up where the ECU relay is, if it's listed in there, and let you know.
  3. Nice one, much appreciated! I might have a bash at this in the summer with some fancier looking calipers, or remove and clean up the originals.
  4. Iso fix is something that is built in in the factory... not likely you'll be able to after market this one... look at either a different car seat, or a different car 😕 Also, might be worth talking to your local audi dealer see what they say?
  5. I've something similar, I reckon get your front suspension checked out at a garage. My front right has a constant issue with the roll bar, and the boot that connects (something) to (something). It's a pain in the backside - I hope you have more luck than I have had in getting it fixed. For what it's worth, it might be worth checking the bearings on the front wheels too: mine was nearly seized, after it began making a wub wub wub noise, and I dutifully ignored it, and eventually saw my fuel consumption begin to rise!
  6. I'm not a new owner, but a newbie on this forum. I'm looking for some help though, and can't seem to spot it in the A4 B6 threads that are already up... Owned and loved my B6 for about 4 years now, she's got 165k on her but it's still going great, drives like it should (small grumble sometimes on the front right tough when parking). I am looking to add some bits and bobs to make it more fun to use in it's (probably) last year or two of service. Where oh where do I put my (new) wires for my (new) LED day runner/fog lights? I can't find a suitable gap in the firewall to run them through - is there a secret passage I don't know about? The fuseboard is on the driver side (right hand side) and I'm not seeing any suitable gaps or grommets that I can fish a cable through. Anyone any ideas? Nice to meet you all 🙂 The pic is a new years day drive I like to do up in the lakes.
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