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  1. Hi all I have an Audi q7 2018 model. Whilst Audi had the vehicle due to a knocking noise found it was driveshaft 😒. They also did a health check and found the bushes will need replacing soon, however they pulled my pants down on the price. Now it seems tricky but I would like to put uprated bushes for this particular vehicle but I cannot find the right bushes for the front end. Even if I can’t go down that route what’s the best place to get a blueprint? And potentially someone up north west direction that is happy to tackle doing the bushes 😅
  2. Hello I finally own a q5 3.0tdi and its a lovely car. Old model 2009 but its still a audi haha. Recently bought it from a dealer near me and luckily for me I have a decent mechanic who looks after all my vehicles. Due to recent problems with the dealer I decided to have the vehicle fully inspected. A few problems have come up and the dealer is quite happy to fix those problems aslong as I can identify everything he requires. Dont ask why but I dont trust his mechanic so I want to make sure I can get all this sorted. Few Error codes from diagnostic : 00955 - Key 1 Lower limit not reached 00256 - AC Pressure temp sensor 02242 - Re lid Lock Button 00457 - AC electronics Control /J519 02615 - Fuel Cap thingy Please correct me if I am wrong the AC errors can be fixed with re-gassing system ?, Rear Lid Lock Button ghost fault ?, Fuel cap ghost fault as works fine?, Key 1 and Key 2 new batterys ? Im not so worried about these but any advice would be appreciated. Now the faults im more concerned about are the physical parts from viewing underneath the vehicle which I do need help identifying. Unfortunately my mechanic is away and cant get hold of him lol. I have attached photos to this and would greatly appreciate some help with it. The main things that I have already told the dealership is a Service, DRL N/S headlight and MOT( Ball joints need doing). A couple of them I already know but in the photos the first 4 im not sure what that is and the 3 last photos im not sure either. thankyou
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