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    A3 TDie sportback
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  1. Gareth, Thank you very much for your detailed response. I will try charging the battery overnight as a 20mile run would result in her not starting... the hot cold thing is a thing in this situation. Hot she struggles and cold, no problems. After charging i may just go ahead and replace the battery based on Sean's experience. I will let you know if charging helps this week then if i change the battery next month. Sean, Thank you, I will try charging it up this week before I go away for work but tbh I'll probably be taking a leaf from your book and replacing the battery in March. To you both... please accept my apologies for the delayed response... my job finds me away from irregularly and often and without a phone, therefore my responses may be slow. Thanks again, Regards Jamie.
  2. Hello, I have a starting issue with my 09 a3 8p. After a journey if i park for a short period (under an hour) it will not start as if i had a flat battery... but will start if i use my jumper cables and a good samaritan. However if i leave it parked for a long period of time then it starts perfectly. This has me leaving it running for short shop trips and fuelling at the petrol station which is not really what i want to be doing. Any help would be fantastic Thanks, J.
  3. Hi, I'm essentially joining up to absorb as much of your experience as possible. I've had an A3 for 4yrs and it has easily been my favourite car, but now sadly its starting to struggle with a few things that are baffling me atm. I will save them for the help section. Thanks, J.
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