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B7 man

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    Aberdeen, UK
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  1. Yes, I think I will.
  2. Hello Steve, I have posted on the group page but had no response back. Worst part of living in Aberdeen, I’m at the wrong end of the country.
  3. Yes Steve. Sometimes you just never know.
  4. Hello. Is there anyone that lives in our around the Aberdeen area that can assist? I have an A4 B7 S Line Saloon and the front drivers side electric window will not operate. When the switch for the window is pressed all I hear is strange noises and no window movement. Due to serious illness I cannot bend over or crouch down for any length of time. Is there anyone in the local area that could strip the door down, remove old window regulator and replace with a new one then reassemble the door. If there is, can you message myself a cost to carry out the work. The car is located outside Bucksburn head toward Haudagain Roundabout. I’m not too sure when the job can be done as I am frequently admitted in to ARI. I look forward to any replies. Regards, Stuart.
  5. I will give them a try. As you say it’s luck of the draw if you get an answer back.
  6. Myself too Steve. I find one problem then unearth other’s too. It’s enough to make a Priest cry.
  7. I am doing fine thank you. Was going to do some jobs on the car but the rain that on right now is due for the rest of the day. Oh well. Will have to do something else.
  8. Hello Steve. I did get confirmation of a part number from the Parts Department. Audi were looking for over £900 through them. I’ve been checking on EBay but it seems to be a air bag that is not one that gets posted for sale. I don’t know any of the U.K. based Audi Dismantlers so it’s going to be a good while until I manage to find one at a reasonable price. Trust you are doing well. Cheers, Stuart.
  9. Hello Steve. What you state I have done and gave them the part number off the steering wheel. Just a case of waiting to see what information they come back with. Again, thank you for your reply. Regards, Stuart.
  10. Is anyone able to assist on this question as I’ve been searching for information online but their is so many part numbers and the air bags have slight differences it making it impossible for me to pinpoint the correct fitting airbag. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you, Stuart.
  11. Thank you for the reply Steve. I’ll start looking for a TT air bag. All the best. Stuart
  12. Hello, I’m looking for some information with regards to a air bag part number. I have purchased a flat bottom steering wheel that came out of an Audi A3 8P. I’m looking to fit it to an Audi A4 B7. the question I have is can anyone advise the correct part number for an air bag to fit this steering wheel. I would greatly appreciate any information given. Thank you in advance. Regards, Stuart.
  13. Hello, Can anyone advise if a A4 B8 steering wheel will fit in a A4 B7 correctly and the multi function switches will operate as they should. The 2 attached pictures show the current steering wheel fitted and the other the steering wheel that I’d like to replace the existing wheel with. Also, will the air bag fitted currently to the wheel in the car fit the B8 steering wheel. Thank you in advance.
  14. Hello. Im looking for advice on the base plate that secures to the floor for the arm rest. the previous owner removed the the arm rest but the base plate is still secured in position. However the bolt that fits in it to secure the vertical mount of the arm rest is missing. Can any one confirm the size and length of the bolt that should be fitted. Also, looking for advice on how to unscrew the floor mount base plate so I can remove it to fit the correct bolt. Following picture refers to the plate I refer to and shows the bolt that is missing from mine. Thank you in advance.
  15. Thank you Gareth, I will go through the breakers search sites.
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