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    A8 D3 4.0 TDI
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  1. Hi Trevor. I'll have a look when it's not raining. You could be right. Been very cold and damp for a prolonged period. I will post results.
  2. I can now hear relays clicking next to the DVD player in the boot. Can these be replaced? Also tried the three button reset. The buttons glowed dimly for a few seconds and the MMI started to initialise then went blank.
  3. Hi all, I have noticed that since the MMI stopped working, the boot opener has more power to lift the boot. Normally it would struggle to lift the boot lid and would close down before barely lifting half an inch. Since the MMI has gone off, the boot lid opens quickly and without hesitation. This leads me to believe that the power is not going else where. Difficult to pin point though. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks
  4. Hi all, I own an Audi A8 D3, 2003. Had it 18 months and never had a problem with it until yesterday. The MMI stopped working. It tries to initialise and then goes blank. The DVD and CD players have power. I have checked all the fuses apart from the big 60 Amp on the right hand side in the boot. This happened to me before but it all started working when I switched the car off and on. Also, the MMI screen comes up with an S6 logo. Could this be the DVD or did some one maybe replace the MMI unit with one from an S6? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
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