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KeithWalter last won the day on February 22 2020

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    Q3 Sportback
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  1. Yes, it’s just held on with clips get a pry tool under the edge and carefully pry it off
  2. Anyone reading this a few months on You don't need to remove the A pillar cover completely to wire a dash cam, you can pull it out at the top just far enough to be able to get your fingers in and guide the wire BEHIND the air bag
  3. I don't have any worries about the actual wiring, it's not knowing how to safely remove the A pillar cover to route the cable behind the air bag that concerns me. I probably will get it fitted professionally in the end
  4. Has anyone with a new 2020 Q3 installed a dash cam themselves? I'd like to be able to wire up a camera myself, but due to the large number of air bags and the lack of knowledge regarding the removal of the A pillar cover on this vehicle I may have to get an installer to do it for me Anyone removed the A pillar cover safely and replaced it? I'd love to hear from you if you have Thanks
  5. Hi everyone We finally pick up our 45 TFSI Vorsprung Q3 Sportback tomorrow πŸ™‚ I'd be interested to hear what other people have been doing for the security of their vehicles Has anyone fitted an immobiliser / tracker in their vehicle? How secure do you all feel the new Q3 is? Thanks
  6. Thanks Gareth We're almost certainly looking at time based / annual scheme as I'm now retired and only travel around 6,000 miles a year and it's a straight cash sale - no PCP I keep seeing reference to 9000 miles or one year for the Audi plan, which seems to make sense. The last few cars I've driven have been two year intervals, which I've thought were too long Just a case of working out if the three annual services would cost more than a three year service plan, which isn't easy to do Keith
  7. Hi We're about to pick up a new Q3 45 TFSI Vorsprung edition this week Is it worth taking out a service plan with Audi, or just paying for the service at the specified intervals? Also, does anyone know what the service intervals are for a new Q3 in the UK? I can't find details anywhere, which makes it difficult to work out if we're actually saving anything Many thanks
  8. Thanks David - looking forward to it πŸ™‚
  9. Well, the good news is, our car is showing as in transit to the UK now πŸ™‚ Probably already here, as the Malacca Highway docked at Sheerness just after 9am this morning So I won't be out looking at Evoques any time soon πŸ˜‰ Information for those tracking cars - there appears to be two different areas at Emden docks. The main area on the West is for VW, if the ship travels through the lock gates to the inner harbour on the East, it's picking up Audis. The Malacca Highway appears to be visiting both alternately at the moment. The Malacca Highway appears to be the only ship visiting Sheerness. There are other ships visiting Grimsby ETC Thanks for all your input everyone
  10. Well I'm still waiting - car still just showing as "left Martorell" (even though it wasn't built there) I'm getting a little worried now, as the car's been standing at the docks at Emden for over two months in sea air and it's probably going to be well over three months old before I get my hands on it. Maybe I should expect a healthy discount? If I don't hear something positive soon I'm seriously thinking of walking away from this one and ordering a British manufactured car
  11. Our car's still showing as in transit, but the Malacca Highway did set sail for Sheerness yesterday so it's possible our car is on it - no change to our status so far 😞 Your car may have been on the ship I saw sail for Grimsby last Saturday Good luck with the new car David
  12. It didn't :-( The car got out of the Audi factory just before lockdown, and now (contrary to Audi's web site tracker) is stuck in the German port of Emden It's been there for two months now :-( Audi in Crawley say the ports are working normally, but the only ship i can see in the port of Emden that regularly visits Sheerness is the Malacca Highway and it hasn't moved for months. I did see a ship leave for Grimsby on Saturday, but our car was not on it. Does anyone have any further insight into what's going on at Emden at the moment? Many thanks
  13. Well not in any 2020 versions of the Q3 in the UK and the manual is written in English, so that narrows it down a bit Maybe you could help solve the mystery of why heated steering wheels are not an option in the UK on the 2020 Q3 or Q3 Sportback even though it's listed in the Q3 2020 English manual?
  14. Yes, but it's not an option on ANY of the models!
  15. Well we've ordered the top line Vorsprung and it's not possible on that either The S-Line vehicle we borrowed for 24 hours had the users manual in the glove box and 'Heated Steering Wheel' was mentioned, although the vehicle didn't have it Go figure!??
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