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  1. yeah, my thoughts also. it will be getting booked in this week, just wondered if it was anything common. probably nothing major as the motor and button are both still trying to do their job
  2. I am having playback issues with my android s10 and my Q7 mmi system. having bought the car in the last couple of weeks I have discovered that the Audi connect features are not all available on my 2106 model q7 so a lot of the functions on the 'my Audi' app are not active. whilst this is not a problem, I do use bluetooth heavily for calls and playing spotify. everything is connected as it should and despite working perfectly fine on the day I picked it up, it now stutters when playing media from spotify. sometimes the track will jump a second or so to catch up, but continues to jump around. not every time, but certainly enough to cause a nuisance. I've cleared the cache on the phone and deleted multiple times to no avail. has anyone had any experience with this type of problem before? voice calls are working as they should.
  3. Hi All. I have recently purchased my first Audi Q7 (65 plate/new model) and have an issue with the offside rear folding seat in the boot space. when operating the electric switch on either of the 3 locations to raise or lower the seat, whilst it is receiving power and attempting to move, something is holding it firmly in place. with a bit of a nudge at the exact moment the button is pressed, I can get it to nudge forward/back (depending inits starting position) and the seat will operate as its supposed to, however I am concerned that this is not practical nor good for the seat itself in the long term. seems to me that there is some sort of locking mechanism holding the seat in place that is not being released when the power starts. I will add that the vehicle was only purchased in the last 10 days from a main Audi dealer and they have advised booking it into my local dealer to have it looked at, so I know that the likelihood is that this will get fixed under its 12 month used warranty. I just wanted to know if anyone had ever had similar issues. thanks in advance
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