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    B8.5 S4
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  1. Update: car is booked in with Audi on the 5th June. I had to wait for lookers Honda to reopen to manage the booking but felt it was worth it for peace of mind. I have noticed that the car only makes the noise when in park or neutral, does that mean the issue is likely to be gearbox/ DMF related? Thanks
  2. Hi Gareth, thanks for the advice. I bought the car from Lookers Honda dealership in feb and car has done less than 2k miles since I bought it. The dealership is closed but I’ll try and log it with their customer service department and ask about next steps. Annoying thing is I noticed the noise very early on but just put it down to something like a minor misfire. Only recently I listened under the bonnet. I don’t need to drive it at the moment which is good. The warranty is Autoprotect gold and having read about them online I’m pretty worried now it’s not worth the paper it’s written on. regards David
  3. Thanks Steve, I'll start looking for open garages. Feeling thankful for buying a car with a warranty now, although didn't think i'd have to use it so soon.
  4. Cheers Steve for the quick response and for the welcome! Car wasn't fully warmed up, the noise can be heard as soon as the revs drop to idle. I've not noticed it increasing with speed and it can't be heard when driving only when stationary. Car has done 28k miles and drives fine.
  5. Hi all, I bought my S4 before lockdown and noticed a irregular clonking noise coming from the engine. So while the garage is closed for lockdown I thought I’d turn to you good people to see if you could recognise it from the video. Not the high pitched ticking but lower pitched random sound which hopefully you can hear. Thanks David P.S new member today IMG_1607.MOV
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