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    Audi A5 Cabriolet
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  1. If I remember correctly this is the plastic extrusion that is press-fit into the rear bow below the rear window? Or possibly the headlining that clips into the window frame surround? Some images would be great so we can see exactly what the issue is, sounds like an easy fix.
  2. Sounds like your tonneau limit switch is engaging too soon (O/S cylinder) perhaps it became unseated when trapped? Could also be an issue with potentiometer values if this has become disturbed. You really need live data readouts and then proceed from there.
  3. Mick, go into the boot on the N/S and remove the lining cover. There will be a brass pressure release screw that must be unscrewed (anti-clockwise) to allow manual operation of the roof. Also check for water ingress in each boot corner on these, it is very common and the main reason as to why the limit switch clusters seize on this model. Bare in mind when the roof is over halfway through the cycle the header catches re-engage to prevent any interference the headlining. You really need some live data to ascertain which of the various readouts are at fault. Hopefully this helps.
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