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  1. I received this email from Audi in Tyneside a few weeks ago...So maybe their is hope after all. Good Afternoon, We are contacting you today with regards to your recent query around the Google Earth Maps which may no longer be available in your vehicle, due to its dependency from the service provider Google. The Manufacturer Audi have advised that a software update is being prepared but we have no further information at this time. We have been advised that there will be a further update week commencing 4th of January and will be in touch with you when we have more information. Apologies that we do not have more news for you, however, in the meantime your SAT NAV is still fully functionable without the Google Maps Overlay. May we take this opportunity wish you a Merry Christmas and we will be in touch when we have more news from the Manufacturer. Best Regards Lookers Audi
  2. Yes my Google earth just stopped working most disappointing....I guess you are saying Audi won’t and probably can’t do anything about it. Would be nice if they made a statement. 🙄
  3. Dear All, I go back a few months with this sensor issue (but gave up & you'll see why) with my just turned 3 year old A4 TFSI which I bought from Audi Tyneside 2 years ago when it was just 12 months old. This all started as a trickle of complaints but clearly is much bigger than Audi really want to admit. Below I print (again) a reply from Audi UK customer relations UK dated 26th June 2020. Are Audi washing their hands of this serious issue? It's very irresponsible boarding on dangerous not to take this more seriously but of course its opening a tin of worms $$$ really. All I wanted to do was draw their attention to a 'possible' serious issue with the braking system on some Audi cars and also to say if its that's easy to rectify (Mine fixed in a few hours) why not deal with the issue on a one on one basis. I paid €210 here in Lyon where I now live and imported my car from the UK but to try and discus with Audi UK and Audi France was too much hassle for me to be honest. However if I had been charged in the thousands as some have here because my ABS had failed I would have taken on 'Audi the Universe' to get my money back. Regards Peter. Good Morning Peter Thank you for contacting Audi UK. Whilst I appreciate you need to complete further research when your vehicle vaults, internet forums and groups do not offer a verified view of the issue. Forums contain opinions and information from non-genuine or verified sources and therefore we cannot guarantee the information’s validity. Our Audi centres offer genuine Audi experts both in service and in the vehicles warranty to ensure that you vehicle is provided with the best possible servicing and maintenance. If you wish to discuss the charges applied when taking your vehicle in for repair, I would be more than happy to escalate your concerns to the Head of Business at Tyneside Audi to as a member of the team to make contact and discuss your concerns further. Once again thank you for contacting Audi UK. Kind regards Customer Relations Advisor Audi UK
  4. Thank you for your post. Mine cost €210 here in France as my warranty had literally run out 4 weeks before. Shame they would not cover it....
  5. Hi Markyboy75 Yes both warning messages turned off and stop/start worked as per norm when sensor was replaced.
  6. Just for your info my brakes also felt a little odd and jerky but was told that it's not a safety issue just the sensor playing up....An odd clicking sound when you touched the brakes a bit like the noise that comes from the indicator when you turn them on.
  7. After sensor was replaced and car running well at a cost of £200 have just noticed outside temperature stuck on 13c!!!! What is going on.... It was reading 22c then it just dropped....
  8. Yes my car TFSI A4 turned 3 in April during lock down and the fault started just before or around the end of warranty. Garage was not interested. 😞
  9. I'll try but I can just imagine as nice as they are that it will be a case of "Its too late....."
  10. Follow up to the brake servo warning.... i finally brought it to Audi here in Lyon who said it’s actually a sensor fault and will cost €250 😱 unfortunately my car turned 3 in April and it’s no longer under warranty. 😢 the fault started just before April but all garages were closed..... no way to prove it....
  11. Dear CGP, Just out of interest did they say it was a computer or mechanical fault?
  12. Hi I have an Audi A4 TFSI 2017 Exactly the same issue after car sat up for a month or so...Break servo restricted....Gurrr... Breaks feel a bit clicky and so a call to Audi Monday morning....Im guessing a warranty does not cover it??
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