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  1. Thankyou. Yes maybe this is an idea ๐Ÿ˜Š do the specialist usually cos the earth ? Ashley x
  2. Thankyou for your replies magnet. I have screen spotted all these replies so I know what to ask the mechanic to check for as I'd forget lol the problem only started 2 weeks ago but if I exceed over 50mph it can use half the coolant if not more so I decided to keep the car is to a minimal until I get it sorted. If im honest not many mechanics round here know much about any of the problems I ve had with this audi. Its beginning to feel like its a car I wished I d never got ๐Ÿ˜ข X
  3. And you put this link to look at on my original post so don't understand what your trying to get at ??
  4. Wow Cliffeclogging how rude. As I explained in MY post I'm a woman and know nothing about cars. I was just letting another person know that my car is doing the same so could be a common thing with a3s. No need for your comment at all !
  5. Hi. Im having the same issue on my a3 2.0. Its OK when I'm driving around town but when on motorway temps going to 130 and the water tank starts to bubble and steam comes out if my engine. One mechanic has said its my matrix pipe thats blocked and another saying head gasket or top head. Its going back to matrix quote garage to check head gasket. I have no gunk in any tanks so I'm really hoping it's the matrix. I ve had new water pump and cam belt along with thermostat so its not them . Its awful isn't it ๐Ÿ˜ฉx
  6. And diesel ๐Ÿ˜Š
  7. Thankyou to both of you for your replies ๐Ÿ˜Š i had a new thermostat along with new cam belt and water pump just over a month ago to see if this would help the heater system but it didn't. So he said when he took the glove box out and could feel the pipes to the matrix , one was hot and one was cold... Could a blocked pipe be the problem?... I have no gunky liquid in my oil or coolant tank and it def hasn't lost no power.. I'm so confused by it all ๐Ÿ˜ฉ Thankyou again ๐Ÿ˜Š
  8. Hello..no never had any issues before. Never had to keep topping up the coolant until the incident...but if I stay at 30/40mph the temp stays at 90 and u have no problems. Obviously going 50 or 60mph causes different problems :-/ I ve had the car since May. It blows very slight warm air out when the cars at 90 degrees but it no where near warms the car up. X
  9. Hello everyone. Im a woman so be kind lol. So my heaters have never worked from buying my audi. But recently a mechanic said it needed a new matrix. So that was booked in for yesterday. Now last week I was driving down the motorway when I noticed steam coming from the engine and the temp was at 130. I pulled over and noticed the water tank bubbling... long story short I had to pull up a few times to keep refilling and letting it cool down. The mechanic who said it needed a matrix also said this current problem could also be causing this tank losing water. So the new mechanic today who was fitting the matrix said the problem was nothing to matrix and either the head gaskets gone or the top head. Does anyone agree or can give any advice. I don't know if im trying to be ripped off. Thankyou xx
  10. Good afternoon, I'm a woman so be nice with me if I sound thick lol So I have an a3 s line 2008. When I bought the car none of the heaters worked so its been to a few garages and no one knows what's wrong with it..one of the garages took the glove box out to do some checks and 2 heaters have started blowing air out but not hot air...he says everythings working that should be so hes baffled.. any ideas please ๐Ÿ™ Thankyou
  11. Good evening. so Iโ€™m getting really frustrated trying to find a aux cable to put a usb memory stick in to play music. Itโ€™s in my dash board but I canโ€™t get it to fit. Have I bought the right one or is the one in the dash board even for this cable. Help ๐Ÿ™๐ŸปThankyou
  12. Thankyou all for your kind replies ๐Ÿ˜ŠI will try these
  13. Hello sorry for jumping on this post. Iโ€™m new today and have no idea how to post anything lol. And Iโ€™m a woman so go easy on me ha. So my Audi A3 rear wiper hasnโ€™t been working. I couldnโ€™t get the bolt of so was told to grind it off which I did. I have had a new motor fitted onto it today and it still wonโ€™t work. What else could it be. Thankyou
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