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Big D

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    A4 2.0 saloon TFSI Auto
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  1. I have a 2012 A1 1.4 TFSI SLINE and need a cable to connect my old Iphone or an Ipod Classic (both 30 pin) via my cigar lighter (5mm jack) that does more than just charge. Is there such a thing.? I have perused the Internet and am somewhat confused. It seems as though I may require the glove box attachment, but at £430 this is beyond my means. Can anyone advise me please ?
  2. I'm told that A5's are the same and perhaps even TT's - is this the case ? An A3 owner I know tells me that the reason is to keep the AC as efficient as it can be. My main point is that I'd like the choice as to how I keep the windscreen clear as on all other vehicles I know of - to ensure I maximise the fuel economy. Oh and before anyone suggests it (the defroster button is fine for what it's purpose is for) but not for general ongoing widscreen clearance. I'm happy for anyone to comment on this element but the topic is about the outrageously poor mpg for what is basically a super-mini. Come on guys are there no A1 owners out there who have either no problem at all with this or indeed suffer exactly the same :-)
  3. Thank you for this. I will try it out as you suggest. I'm aware that there is between 10 to 15% discrepancy of all manufacrtures claimed figures (downward). However I contiually get a 30% reduced mpg for the same journey type. To add insult to injury I now find that I am supposed to use the Automatic AC feature to keep the windscreen clear as there is no screen direction on the air vents (the only car I've ever ownded or driven without this control) !! This will obviously reduce my mpg even further.
  4. I've had my A1 1.4 TFSI S-Line S-Tronic for one month now and it is returning only 41mpg ! It has done 19,000 MILES (I've driven 1000 of them). Facts:- Light right foot, rarely use A/C, no luggage, no towing hook, no passengers. Only use for commuting 60 miles per day / 5 days per week. 70 mph top speed. The journey is from Hove (East susex to East Grinstead in West Sussex) mainly dual carriageway / A roads. I travel early in the morning and rarely if ever need to stop as there is only 1 set of pedestrian lights on my journey. so if that doesn't meet the upper end (Extra Urban) journey I don't know what does. I did the same journey in my BMW320D for almost 4 years and that returned 43mpg constantly. Why does a car weighing so much less not even get to that figure? I have looked at various independant websites and they all give the upper 40's to low 50's as the norm. I bought this vehicle on the basis of it's economy but so far it hasn't lived up to the billing:- 43 local, 53 combined, 63 extra urban. My local dealer in Brighton has run various tests and say there is nothing wrong. Please can any of you offer guidance / advice / similar history.
  5. Hi All, It seems a friendly way to introduce myself to your gang, by giving a potted history of my motoring to date, although I will be creating a new thread regarding my recent aquisions appaling MPG ! I started riding mortorbikes back in the early 70's (3 yrs) From then on I have driven cars (mainly for commuting) Austin 1100 Vauxhall Viva HA Triumph Toledo Austin Allegro Vauxhall Viva 1300 HC Alfasud TI Ford Granada Mondeo mk.1 Vauxhall Cavalier Mondeo mk. 2 Seat Leon Cupra R (225 hp) my only brand new car ! Saab 93 Aero Auto Nissan Murano BMW 320D Auto Audi A1 1.4 TFSI S-LINE S-TRONIC Looking forward to your help and me returning the favour. Cheers
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