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  1. Hi to all, I’m new to the club and happy owner of a 2015 sq5. I purely wondered if anyone has an opinion regarding weather or not to service the gearbox because it is a sealed unit, i know I’m kinda opening Pandora’s box because there will mixed feedback but my reasons for asking are that Audi say obviously leave alone, another well recognised an trusted garage i use highlighted doing it while its at 60k otherwise leave it, entirely my choice. But i just have some concerns that 1st 2nd is a bit grabby when changing gear, upshift an down so is this a common behaviour with the ZF or should i get it looked at look. I never experienced this ever with any of previous multi/DSG’s as been in Audi for 13 years now. Any feedback would be appreciated an hopefully I’m just being paranoid with my new purchase! 🙏
  2. Thanks again Pete, glad to hear its supported you so well. I had a bad injury years ago which now seems highly inflamed so fingers crossed this will ease things some what! Jonathan.
  3. Hi there Pete, new to the club and thank you so much for this. Had SQ5 just over a week and feeling somewhat disappointed feeling lower numbness/pain after long journey’s. So clearly not having the correct !Removed! for the seats even though all my previous s line seats were fine. So gonna get hunting for the wedge which will hopefully let me enjoy my new toy!!! 🤣
  4. Hi all, I’m new to the owners club and purely wondered if anyone could kindly shed some light with opinions regarding the SQ5 gearbox. Just picked mine up last week to which now has 60k on the clock and thought like all my others Audi’s the gearbox oil should have been changed, however Audi insist on advising me to leave alone as a sealed unit but this seems some what miss leading as I’ve also been told that I’m right by other Independent garages to get it done and I don’t want to cause any issues later on 🤔. Any input is greatly appreciated, thanks!!
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