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Everything posted by dalswinton

  1. thought that might be the problem. glad you got it sorted. (you must have sent that post whilst I was typing my reply) Brian.
  2. hi, just wondered, was the bonnet open or closed when you tried to reset the wipers via the mmi?? I would open the bonnet, if it was shut, then close it smartly, and try to reset the wipers again. ( just a thought) Brian.
  3. yes, lane departure. is a nuisance, I just press the button on the end of the indicator stalk every time before I move off, I haven't tried going into settings yet, but will give it a try. another issue, on mine is the radio crackling when you start up sometimes, a girl at Carlisle Audi has done a temp fix meantime, till a software upgrade come out at the end of this quarter. (supposedly) Brian.
  4. very nice Brian
  5. Hi Jim, If the car was mine, I would jack the front wheels clear of the ground, one at a time, and then, get someone to sit in the car and press the brake off and on, whilst you turned the wheels, this would let you see if a caliper was sticking, and also would let you have a better look at the brake pad thickness. p.s. you haven't mentioned if the low pad warning light is on or not. Brian.
  6. Hi, Your Q5 will be fitted with a low brake pad warning system, that lights up in the dashboard when the pads are low/req changing, if this light is not on, it could be a partly seized caliper perhaps. causing the rubbing noise. not letting the pads release properly. Brian.
  7. Hi, To add to the above post, you should make sure that the E.T. No on the back of the wheels that you are fitting, matches the one's you are taking off. p.s. E.T. elates to the offset. Brian.
  8. Yes, done under warranty, the only thing I can think of, is that it was a fault with the o/s/f outer brake pad from new, possibly, or the pad had picked something up, but the disc was scored right across the entire surface. on reflection, I noticed a mark on the disc when I picked the car up from new, but thought nothing of it at the time. (10 miles on clock) anyway, it is sorted now. regards Brian.
  9. I bought a brand new q3 35tfsi on 1st October, o/s/f brake disc getting badly scored. after only 200 miles. Carlisle Audi replaced both front disc on Friday, excellent service. really like the car so far. Brian.
  10. Hi Alan, I bought a new q3 4 weeks ago. on mine, you can switch the lane departure off, by pressing a switch at the end of the indicator stalk. you have to do this every time you go to pull away from startup. regarding the traffic speed warning, at the moment ,I haven't bothered to delve into it, although it can be annoying. (the salesman told me that the speed warning, could become mandatory in the future.) hope this helps Brian.
  11. Hi Steve Q The Q3 was in stock at Carlisle Audi, I picked it up on Monday, I haven't been anywhere with it yet, just been getting my head round all the different things on it, regards Brian.
  12. dalswinton

    New Q3

    Well I decided to bite the bullet, and treat myself to a new car, I now have a brand new Q3 35 TFSI S Line i.5 petrol.
  13. A new brake pad wear sensor cable should always be fitted when replacing the pads, if not, it could cause a bad connection where the end of the cable is connected to the brake pad, I have come across this problem in the past, worth a check. Brian.
  14. Hi Jezzer, Try your interior lights when it gets dark, on my A4, the lights will not come on until the light fades. worth a try. Brian.
  15. Hi Simon, regarding upgraded rear springs, I'm sorry, but i have never had the need for them, I would phone your local Audi dealer, and ask if they are available, and if so, try and get a part no, & price. as a starting point. good luck Brian.
  16. Hi, Simon, looks to me as if your n/s/r lower spring mounting rubber is on it's way out as well. by my observation. if you are going to replace both springs, now would be the time to replace that as well. (only trying to help) Brian.
  17. please correct me if I am wrong, but I heard from a reliable source, that audi have altered the brake balance between the front and rear, on my a4 allroad with 34,000 miles, the front pads are hardly half worn,where as the rears are getting quite low, ( the rear's are both free as I strip them from time to time) and i am not heavy on the brakes. regards Brian.
  18. If it was me, I would take off a rear wheel, and check them myself, then if the pads need changing, I would go to an independant audi workshop. Brian.
  19. audi quoted him £600. initially, and said it may be covered by the warranty, which it was, so a vast saving. (one happy brother) kind regards Brian.
  20. it would appear that it's not all doom & gloom at audi, my brother has a a4 allroad b9 2017, a broken n/s/r spring was found when in for service last week, audi are going to replace it under warranty. he is covered by (audi all in) cost £600. good news indeed.
  21. I had the same problem at my last mot, o/s/r was breaking up. I had it replaced by an independent audi garage for £176. in my opinion, audi dealer prices have now become extortionate.
  22. Hi, I am sure that the Audi warranty covers cars up to 8 years old. I have the( Audi All In) which includes services, mot, and roadside assistance. as yet, I haven't had to use the warranty. hope this helps.
  23. Hi, I had the same problem on my 2017 a4 allroad last year, same place, o/s/r lower, I had mine replaced at an independent v w garage at just over £100. p.s. my brother, who has the identical car had his go as well on the o/s/r/ seems funny it is always the o/s/r. that goes.
  24. Hi, Great car, I had one in the same colour ,I kept it for 4 years, it never missed a beat. I'm sure you will be very happy with it. I now have the b9 model, another great car. all the best Brian.
  25. Hi Mohammad, If it's any help to you, I have a a4 allroad with the S Tronic gearbox, oil change is at 38,000. miles. Brian.
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