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    Kent, UK
  • Audi Model
    A5 2.0TFSI 2013

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  1. I've just had my audi tuned, and I know for sure they tune rs4's.. They have done a few vehicles for me now and am over the moon. There website is www.jfautomotive.co.uk Ive just written a review on them on this forum and a few others. Paul
  2. Hi guys Ive just had a few upgrades completed on my Audi a5 2.0tfsi 7 speed s-tronic 2013 model. My TCU for the gearbox has been tuned and so has the engine ECU with a new device that they indicated hadn't been fully released yet to the public and the results are truly amazing. I spoke to JF Automotive who advised they could tune my gearbox and engine ecu with a new device that they could pop in the post. It's a self downloading module all done via the diagnostic port and it took only a couple of minutes to complete good instructions. The gear changes are dead on now,the throttle lift then shift is almost unnoticeable. Now super quick gear changes up and down and masses more engine power that pulls with ease to red line. Before it had a very big flat spot higher in the rev ranges which has completely disappeared. Amazing change to my car and the little niggles from the engine and gearbox are gone! Normal drive is soo much better without having to go into sport. Cant rate this enough in all honesty. I think JFA are taking orders on their new device very soon , www.jfautomotive.co.uk Paul
  3. Hi , I have a 2013 A5, Just had it tuned and would like to review it on the forum somewhere.
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