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    A3 Sportback
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  1. I spared you the full story. The problem was water leaking into the motor gearbox, caused by a faulty seal between the wiper spindle and the plastic elbow/bush where the tube from the pump is attached. Eventually, following a tip from a post on another site, I fitted an O ring from my super selection box, although there was no trace of one having been fitted in the first place, or a groove in which one would fit. But there was space and it seems to have worked. The cure was preceded, however, by a great deal of hunting for a replacement motor. The pre 2012 model (8P) seems easy but 2013 on (8V) seems impossible. Used ones were available, though- at a price. I also checked to see if the wiper arm would free easily if I went for a replacement. It wouldn't. My puller didn't fit and I suspect even with one that did it would have been necessary to destroy the arm, adding another £40 or so to the bill. So I feel I've got off lightly at £15 for the trim tools and, probably, 5p for the O ring. Until next time!
  2. Thanks for the encouragement. With decent trim tools removal was pretty much terror-free, as was replacement.
  3. I'll get back to you on that! No, thanks very much. I returned to the tailgate with a torch and found the two main retaining screws inside the warning triangle compartment, so that's a much better start. I'll look out for a trim removing tool. Thanks again.
  4. The rear wiper motor has started to groan horribly and I find there is some water leaking from the tailgate, so I want to investigate and probably replace the motor. But I cannot see how to remove the tailgate internal trim to gain access. That is, I cannot see how to remove it in a way that allows it to be replaced afterwards. I have form for getting this sort of thing wrong. I would welcome advice, please. H
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