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Richyrich06 last won the day on August 31 2024

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    A6 2.4 Quattro Estate
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Community Answers

  1. Hi All Here is the update.. I spoke with lots of people who didnt seem to know. Including audi main dealers who still didnt know.. From cross referencing part numbers and chatting with Sachs found that there is a specific set of springs for cars with a tow bar fitted. Which seem to have heavier duty springs.. All ordered up including new lower spring mounts as suggested by Audi.. Got there in the end. Cheers for all advice
  2. Hi Thanks for comments I am towing well within the regulations just need to know if different springs are required as I added the towbar myself.. There are different ones listed but not for Quattros Cheers
  3. Hi Towing 1.5 ton I doubt the springs have ever been changed Not Air suspension
  4. Hi I have added a towbar to my A6 Avant and the rear seems very low when towing. Are there specific rear springs to fit if using a towbar
  5. Hi I have 2nd hand westfalia swivel towbar 4F0 800 491C which I have fitted to my audi A6 C6 2.4 Quattro Estate 2007 I am trying to find someone who has a wiring diagram / Fitting instructions to help me connect the wiring Even if someone has the towbar wiring and car wiring separately. Many thanks Rich
  6. Hi, Many thanks for reply The battery fitted is not the original nor OEM. Have tried Tayna, GSF and some others who give long lists of options. My biggest query is do I need to recode the car to my new battery. If so I need a BEM code which doesnt come with all batteries. Lots of forums talk about it and some say dont bother ? Cheers
  7. Hi all. Please can someone give me a definitive answer to what Battery I need for my A6 (C6) 2.4 Quattro Avant 2007. It is a 110 Type Also do I need to recode the car to accept this. Do I need a battery with BEM code. There seem to be many views on this hence coming here ! Cheers
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