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Everything posted by Leoz

  1. Evening, Hoping someone can offer their expertise and experience in the following re EGR valve location on 2010 1.6 TDI A3 sportback (8PA). Coil light came on a few days ago, OBDII shows p403 code. I do not want to delete the EGR but rather attempt clean of existing unit for carb build up. I have struggled finding any YouTube videos or forum/other guidance on exactly where the EGR is on my particular engine. From my reading on the subject, some engines provide easy access to EGR at front of engine whilst others are much harder to get to at the back and involve extensive labour / involve also replacing other related parts (egr cooler etc). Can one of you experienced folk help with regards to where the EGR is on my engine so I can determine whether it is possible to remove and clean myself (picture attached). Hoping this will help others also as I have spent hours looking for info/forum threads that answer this specifically. Thanks in advance, Leo
  2. Hi James, Did you manage to find the answer to this one? I also want to remove EGR and clean but struggling to find any info online even as simple as exact location as some sources suggest it could be at the back of the engine and difficult to get at. I have not been able to find any useful vids on YouTube either annoyingly. Cheers Leo
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