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    congleton cheshire
  • Audi Model
    a4 1996

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  1. hello there. Have to day taken the car for an emissions test back to the garage that fitted a new cat. after getting the cat and engine hot there were on problems with the readings so far so good.
  2. hello audi land. can any one tell me if you can swap out the cloth interior for a leather one. and if so where is the best place to find one???
  3. morning to you all. just an update as where I am with the above problem. have taken the car for an emission's test and have decided to put on a category 3 after market cat. Ho was at 80ppm. co was at 0650ppm. the lambda was at 0.9--1.00 when it was tested. after putting on the new cat the readings were ho 20ppm. co was at 0.00. I am going to run the car for a few weeks then take it for a re test. will let you all know.
  4. hi there. have looked at that page of faults. hope I have done all if the things on there to check and replace. will take it for a smoke test when I get the chance, and report my findings.
  5. morning out in Audi land. further to my other posts have news. have know changed fuel pressure regulator, coolant temperature sender, and had the fuel injectors out and checked. also changed lambda sensor and air mass meter. found that the fuel injectors were not as efficient as they should be. no leaks but 3 were below where they should be. have had them cleaned and serviced with new caps and have been ultrasonically cleaned. the car is not smelling of fuel on start up and for a car of the age of 17 years old goes like billy stink. have not yet been for a smoke test yet but im hoping for a further reduction in all the readings.
  6. hello there. can some one please tell me the degree of the timing at top dead centre when the engine is on tick over.
  7. hello tech. no you didn't lead me up a garden path. Have checked all fittings on the car, also have had the car put through a teraclean this morning. The readings were well off, but the cat is only a cheap one. £30.00. was told by the garage these cats are used to get the car through a mot The co was 600 ppm the ho was 60ppm and the lambda was at 1.016. will do some further checks this week. And will post what I find out many thanks for your reply
  8. hello there. further to my problem with the above fault code, I have checked all the fastenings' that were disturbed when I changed the oil filter assembly. I fount that they could be a little tighter, than they could have been. also im having the car teracleaned on Tuesday morning. will report an findings when I have the chance. car seems to be better than before, so thanks for the advice, may well have been a small leak on one of the fittings.
  9. hello there. thanks for your reply, I'm not sure if your reply is correct. was told by the garage that there diagnostic equipment had the fault as a fuel mixture adaptation??? value to low??? am also checking with someone else who has seen the same problem on an Audi on a 1995 plate. have not replaced the lambda probe for 3 years. on the last mot the lambda reading on the exhaust test was in range aproxr1.00 the car does not pass the emissions unless I change the cat,problem is the cat s are expensive from Audi but are cheaper from any aftermarket supplier . approx. £30.00 to 50.00. im also concerned that the viscus fan is suspect and cooling the engine to much from cold. sorry to go on, but this is the only problem with car. also had to change the erg valve and piping along with another pipe under throttle assemble after cross threading an oil pressure switch. so as you see I'm trying to find my way to getting my car right.IIts a labour of love .Will ask my garage to check what you have posted and will get back to you will also check intake side of engine. car runs with no miss-fire and no rough running.
  10. hello there. I have an audi a4 1.8.1996. which has been failing the mot each year on excesive emissians. have been putting aftermarket catts on due to the cost of audi catt costs. after been into a garage for a replacment six weeks ago, i went back to check the emisians again. this code was in the ecu. have been looking around on the internet for some information regarding this. the audi is 1996 registered with 144000 miles on the clock. but has been well looked after. any body out there had the sane problem.???
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