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    5570 Aksdal
  • Audi Model
    audi a6 c6
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  1. i mean the limit on how high u can rev the engine wile its standing still like my 2.0 tdi cant rev higher than 2500 rpm wile its not moving
  2. is it posible to code out the front wheels from the e brake to make it go side ways ?
  3. is there anyway too remove the soft limiter ?
  4. any kind of matres that is specialy made for an a6? kinda wanna go on a road trip but dont want to pay for an hotel if i can just sleep in the car
  5. hey i recently bought a bass for my audi a6 c6 and with that i bought a mmi 2g bluetooth kit wich gave me what i needed to conect every thing up to the radio but instead of an output for the bass i got an input for aux so now im in need of a output that i can conect in to the radio in the back. any sugestions ?
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