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Pepper last won the day on January 20 2021

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  • Audi Model
    A4 Avant Tdi S line ultra s-tronic
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  1. Hi all..... I seem to remember a chat a few years ago on this topic.... Can anyone confirm.....on an S4 Avant, B9 say...2016 reg'd.....were both sides functioning, (ie, the model with 2 round tips showing both sides). Was it only the next gen, ie 17/18 onwards that had two exits, but only one actually had a purpose? Thanks, David
  2. Nice to see youre still around Gareth 😉......best wishes...
  3. Good luck
  4. *** This has now sold *** Thank you.
  5. 👍
  6. Replied in wants ...
  7. May now be looking to sell mine...pls pm me if interested....its 190 tdi but better mpg than 1.4 petrol ?
  8. 👍
  9. Agree, On my longer trips, i usually set off early in morning, and stick to around 56mph, on the way back - its a different story haha ! So outward journey 80 plus...return journey average 66mpg.....still an incredible daily mpg, esp for such a comfortable car, with most of the 'extras' you need in a business class vehicle. Off topic, not long after i aquired it, i saw an identical spec, but with red leather seat option, and panoramic glass roof - not many like that out there !!
  10. Ps....even on an A-road, and not in efficiency mode, its still giving late 50s to early 60s.....outstanding business vehicle.
  11. I think its because I worry about a cars worth when it has 150k on it, as opposed to 100k. However its as if the car has only just reached its peak efficiency, those figures i get are real, and regular ! Also, the option of a company car keeps popping up...its ok taking the allowance i get now, but even with higher tax rates, tempting to sell and have a fully expensed company vehicle. However, due to lack of availability this exact model spec and year, if i keep the allowance, ill probably keep car until maybe 130k, I think any longer would effect value too much.
  12. Yes....slow lane with the hgv's...at about 57mph....regularly had 74.3 now as few more miles and recent service, 81.3mpg.....and 74 on dual carriegeways.
  13. Cheers Steve....but how do they do it eh ? A car thats still perfectly quick enough, 190, yet free to use in pollution zones, and 80mpg ? Oh, and so comfy, even after a 3 hr drive up M5 and M6 etc, no stiffness ? That particular model is very special....89k now, (40k when aquired) was going to change, but as you say, cant find one anyway, so im happy to keep for now, and when it goes over the 100k....so what ? Awesome car
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