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Jamesxx last won the day on November 6 2013

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    Northern Ireland
  • Audi Model
    Q7 240 s-line

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  1. Just a note to anyone else attempting to do this. Prise the door pull handle cover off from the bottom first, and the door strip off from the right hand side first(left hand side for left door) .
  2. Faulty speaker. It started making strange buzzing sounds.
  3. Yes, I found a photo that someone added to a thread about this on another forum. You have to remove the handle face to access 2 screws and the Silver / wooden strip at the top for a screw close to the door opening lever. The other one is at the very bottom of the door. Thanks for your help!
  4. Thanks. I can see the one at the bottom center of the door, but there is none at door release handle.
  5. Hi folks , I have a drivers side rear door speaker needing replaced on my '08 q7 . I needing some help on how to remove the door panel so I can change the speaker . Thanks in advance!
  6. Happy Birthday Jamesxx! From the Audi Owners Club Team!

  7. Useful information. Thanks. Just a quick question for you as you said you do mostly motorway miles, I'm mostly doing short trips on country roads and getting 22 mpg, and was wondering what you're getting from motorway driving?
  8. Hi guys I'm having intermittent problems with starting my 2008 3.0tdi Q7. Sometimes absolutely nothing happens when you put the key into the ignition barrel and on other times the dash lights and the ignition lock warning light comes on but won't start. Any ideas ?? James
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  9. I've recently ,due to the warmer weather finally arriving , discovered my air con isn't working and I'm in no doubt that it hasn't been working before I bought the car . I'm still arguing my case with the dealer who sold me the car , but during our "chats " , I discovered that the car was fully checked and got ready for sale 5 MONTHS ,and a few hundred miles done ,before I bought the car , and never had been checked over again . Are there rules about the lenght of time a car can be classed as fully checked before a sale ?? Help please !
  10. Hi . Total bill including VAT was around £220. I used APEC pads and discs . Replaced handbrake shoes also and sensor wires . I thought £220 for all that was ok . My local garage charges £35/hour for labour. Discs are about £40 each.
  11. Hiya . Yea , Q7 going well thanks . Just fitted new rear discs and brake pads. Grabber GT's doing great so far , they look good and handle great on wet or dry roads. I think they are quiet enough for the width of tyre they are . I ran the AT version on my old Discovery3 and was impressed by them , so had no hesitation in choosing the same brand for the Q7. I was getting around 20k miles on at set of the AT's .
  12. My 08 Q7 has no sat nav either , and I think I'll just stick with my Tom Tom portable one , because it's cheap to buy and cheap to upgrade maps compared to trying to fit and update a built in one .
  13. I have a failed door entry light under the wing mirror . Any idea how to fix this ? I also need new rear brake pads , and was wondering if Audi ones at £80 odd are my best option ? Thanks
  14. How do I add pics to this site on a post?
  15. Hi , one thing about the the demist time is that the cabin space is huge , a may therefore affect the length of time it takes to clear windows. I have similar trouble , and I recon this is why . If you find a cure or improvement on this , let us know .
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