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Anton8 last won the day on March 2

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About Anton8

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  • Town / County
    Beckenham. Kent
  • Audi Model
    E-Tron GT
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Community Answers

  1. Hi Steve. I have used Autologics and they are nationwide.
  2. Anton8

    Keyless Entry

    Just an update. Car went into Audi South East yesterday. Everything is working fine but they said they wanted to put it on their computer to check for fault codes ect. Telephoned after about 2 hours later no problems, car valeted and delivered back home. BTW the recall icon is still showing as the battery check recall is in 2 parts and will not delete from the screen until the second part is done. When ever that will be.
  3. Hi Trev. Is the cable you are using tethered to the charger? If yes go to another charge point and use the cable that came with the car to see if it does the same thing. If it is not tethered go to a tethered charger and use that cable to see if you still have the problem. That will tell you if it is the car or the cable.
  4. My GT does that if it is on a slight slope. I do as Cliff suggests and left foot brake. It seems that the drive does connect straight away. I have got used to it now. Of course if it is on a steeper gradient the auto baking system should have taken over.
  5. I've got to be honest with you I only charge my GT about every 3 weeks. I have had the car 21 months and have now done 4000 miles. you chaps are probably doing that every couple of months.
  6. I am fairly old skool with apps and such. But mine seems to operate correctly. The Audi app and the OHME app. Do you think that when it shows 0% it means that is 0% of the charge selected and the 100% means it has charged 100% of it's selected 80% charge. if you understand what I mean.
  7. Hi Paul Sorry to hear you have all these problems with your OHME charger. I had problems with mine initially with voltage fluctuations and charging faults. After speaking to OHME I fitted a voltage surge protector and had the usual 60amp household fuse upped to 100amp (the car was drawing 30amp when charging) and I have had no more problems for nearly 2 years. The Apps seem to running OK as well.
  8. And it is on a Saturday
  9. I notice that the "early bird" tickets are on sale for this years Simply Audi. It is on Saturday 20th September.
  10. Anton8

    VED Taxation

    When you look at it like that we have not done bad.
  11. Anton8

    VED Taxation

    Possibly found a loop hole for all of us with 100% electric vehicles. Mine will need it's VED tax renewed in June. That means that it will attract the new taxation class and possible the luxury car tax as well, which starts in April. There is nothing to stop me from renewing by March 31st at zero VED and getting almost another year at zero rate until March 2026. I will try it anyway.
  12. Anton8

    Keyless Entry

    I think it needs putting on their computer in case there is something amiss. It goes in on the 11th March. At least it will get a free valet.
  13. Anton8

    Keyless Entry

    I really don't know what to make of my car. I threatened it with the sack and it has self healed itself. Everything is back working again.
  14. Anton8

    Keyless Entry

    I will. The worrying thing is Cliff that next year all these gremlins and bits become mine when the warranty expires.
  15. Anton8

    Keyless Entry

    Yes, I did know that. I was wondering if that was the cause of these electrical gremlins. It is going into Audi shortly to to get sorted.
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