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Remo Sciubba

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Everything posted by Remo Sciubba

  1. Thanks for your replies. It's behaving itself at the moment so hard to pin down. Thanks again.
  2. Hi, As Audi owners, as anyone come across the following fault? While I am driving the engine just drops into idle mode ( not always, only sometimes ) and if I put my foot down on the accelerator nothing happens. It engine doesn't rev it just idles but if I lift my foot off the accelerator and then back on it, it works ok again. Or if I drop a gear the engine kicks in again. very strange fault. I've had it mechanically checked but nothing came up on the diagnostics. Can be a little scary at times. Any ideas? Thanks in advance Remo.
  3. Hi, As Audi owners, as anyone come across the following fault? While I am driving the engine just drops into idle mode ( not always, only sometimes ) and if I put my foot down on the accelerator nothing happens. It engine doesn't rev it just idles but if I lift my foot off the accelerator and then back on it, it works ok again. Or if I drop a gear the engine kicks in again. very strange fault. I've had it mechanically checked but nothing came up on the diagnostics. Can be a little scary at times. Any ideas? Thanks in advance Remo.
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