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    A8 D2 2.8 Quattro
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  1. Thanks Steve, I am an electromechanical engineer by trade and having a passion for working on and restoring cars I have gained a lot of experience over the years and would gladly offer any help and advice to members where I can, I also have VCDS diagnostics and can offer to do free diagnostics for members,
  2. I have been working on cars and motorcycles since I was 10 years old, I am now 63, and have gained a vast amount of knowledge over the years, I have also owned and worked on many types of Audi's and VW's as they are my favourite types of cars, I was just hoping that there might have been someone on here with more knowledge than me, I would be glad to help anyone out who has any questions on VAG cars, especially tiptronic auto gearbox problems, I will help where I can,
  3. It seems this forum is not very active and I never seem to get replies to my questions, maybe my questions are too technical for this forum,??????????????
  4. Ok, thanks for that, its all sorted now.
  5. I was wondering whats involved in fitting a Navigation Plus sat nav to my car, if it is at all possible, my car did not have a sat nav fitted as original equipment, but it does have the GPS aerial on the boot lid, also it does not have an option for sat nav on the menu control under the flap, I understand this unit is old technology but it would be ok for my needs if it could be fitted without too much work.
  6. Does anyone know where the 40 amp fuse is located for the secondary air injection pump motor, most information points to the plenum e box but I can only find four 15 amp fuses and a relay in that area, this car is really hard work to find such information on it.
  7. I have ran a test on the F125 multifunction transmission switch on my car with VCDS and the values of the measuring blocks should be Park - 1000 Z1-1100 Reverse-0100 Neutral-1110 Drive (D) 1011 , Z4 0011, the scan shows that these are all correct except for Reverse as mine is showing the measuring block value as 0000, could this be that the multifunction transmission switch is faulty, I dont know why its showing 0000 in the measuring blocks, when starting the car first thing in the morning I get a short pause of about 2 seconds when its put into reverse, then the bump and all the PRNDS lights come up on the dash and its in limp mode, if the car is switched off and started again all is fine and the car drives very well, I know its not a gearbox fault as it drives ok, its got to be an electrical fault, ive done a lot of reading up on this subject and my gut feeling is that its the F125 switch, can anyone give some input on why I am getting 0000 coming up in the measuring blocks for reverse gear selection
  8. I have managed to locate a gearbox ECU at a very good price, and I would like to ask if it will be compatible with mine as it came out of a 2002 S8 and my car is a 2002 A8, all the numbers match and both ECUs have the same numbers, do you think it will make any difference coming from an S8 The picture below is from an S8 and the one below that is from my A8, as you can see the only difference is the bottom lower bar code
  9. I just Called Audi and they have told me that the F125 multifunction transmission switch is no longer available and is an obsolete item.
  10. Can anyone suggest where I can buy the F125 multifunction transmission switch from, ive seen Chinese ones advertised at £35 but dont trust them, any ideas what Audi charge for them, I might even go for a used one, any suggestions please.
  11. yes im definitely sure there is no drain hole, ive checked everywhere in detail as I expected to find one, there is one in the bulkhead though
  12. The battery is in the boot on this car, I have checked this area for a drain hole but there isn't one, thats a real bad design fault because when this fills up with water its going to overflow into the bulk head and air box areas, I need to take a look at this and maybe put a drain in for this as I dont want water coming inside the car
  13. I have noticed that after rainfall that there is water that is not draining away from the left top bulkhead area on my a8, its in the area where the wiper motor is, near the wing, I have checked to see if there is a drain hole in that area but cannot see one, I would imagine that when this area fills up with water it will spill over and start to flood the air box area, I have looked on other forums regarding this but cannot find anything related to water ingress near the wiper motor area, any help on this one please
  14. thanks very much for everyone's advice and input
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