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A3car19tdi last won the day on September 8 2021

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Community Answers

  1. Where's it Steve ?
  2. Where abouts is the boost pressure sensor location on the 09 tdie ? I might swap that out before pulling off the turbo .
  3. Is the turbo easy to remove without stripping half the engine on the A3 1.9tdie. ? 2009 Is it easy enough to open it up and clean it if necessary without damaging it ? ? And put it back on? Never touched a turbo before, stripped a few non TC engine though. . Is there any cleaner worth wile spraying in to it if it's possible ?
  4. Hello. I've had this code pop up the other day on my 120k 1.9tdie A3. 2008 I turned the car off as was in limp and it was went. I was giving it a bit of a shoeing to be fair. Wondered if anything needs a clean out or obvious things to check on it ? Thanks
  5. Following on from this, the next day I went to drive and the brake pedal was solid. Further inspection revealed the vacuum hose had split and come completely off from the vacuum causing loss of brake. Would this had started to cause or have anything to do with the Turbo over boost issue somehow ?
  6. Just following on from this... Later this evening my brake padal has just really got really stiff to press. Are these two this possibly linked ??
  7. Hello all. I have a little Audi A3 8p 2009. 125k or so. 19tdie This morning I had a orange light start flashing and I have scanned and it says p0234 over boost. Any thoughts on what to check, clean in the first instance? I stopped the car and then it disappeared. No other issues at the moment. Any common faults ? Thanks for your help .
  8. Hello Audi people. I have this driver wing mirror on my 8p. It has never worked but the passenger does. I thought I'd pop it off and check the circuit but there are two circuits. One for a dimmer I found out. Which is which please ?
  9. Yes it's 4 torx . No, in all honesty, I didnt disconnect the battery. However if that is the stated procedure, best to do that. I didn't encounter any problems though to be honest.
  10. No but whip the seat out. Remove the ratchet bit. and grab one off eBay. Should get one for a tenner or so. A small part breaks inside . Easy fix mate
  11. Far short of getting a new door loom I suppose cut solder and extend where needed. Just thought I'd put a few pictures up incase anyone else has this. Probably explains why the heated mirror stopped working too. Airbag light gone out now (But had to reset with obd2 scanner)
  12. Checked the door sensor. They looked ok as far as that goes. Decided to check the wiring in the rubber booty between the door and chassis........... Oh dear ..Wheres my soldering iron.
  13. I tried a scanner tool and it came up with this. Does it narrow it down in anyone's mind ??
  14. Hello there. I have an a3 2009. 1.9tdi with 120k on it. Yesterday the air bag light came on and stayed when I started up. Just wondered if there are any common faults or things I can try ? Many thanks
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