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Everything posted by MichalS

  1. It's stiff in any mode. I had it connected to VCDS and we found there was " level control " fault in a past. Have it now at dealer to check but been told they can not fault it...
  2. Hi , I have a problem with my Audi A6 Allroad 2016. Bought around 3 weeks ago. When coming back home from the dealer I was amazed with comfort. I don't know if that has any connection but on my way home I had a message on dashboard telling to check tyre pressure. I did check it when arrived home. Set them to required pressure , no problem. After few days of driving and having a longer trip I realised that it's not that comfortable. My suspension seems to get harder , stiffer ? Going through any holes is very " painfull ". Like it suddenly changed. Seen mechanic , he took a look around and said every looks fine. No problem solved . I took my friends A6 Allroad from 2015 for a ride and it's so much comfortable and quite. I will have computer connected tommorow to see for any errors , but trying to see if any of you guys had same problem and how did you solved that ? Any suggestions ? * My Allroad have 18" wheels.
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