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  1. Hi Gareth, no not yet. Talking to a guy today and he said its unusual for them to wear on a 12 car. Possibly to much pressure building up and forcing oil past the pistons maybe. Getting it checked out hopefully next week and will have some answers.
  2. Ok going by your comments, I'm thinking its the valve seals. Big enough job I'm sure. Got another puff of smoke after driving downhill for a bit today. Classic sign of the seals gone I think. Will look into the dpf cleaner also.
  3. Thanks for replies. Its a 2.0 TDi 177 bhp Diesal. Noticed the blue smoke isn't always there. I'm thinking the blue smoke is from regeneration but it seems to do it alot. There is no way I can get anywhere near 40 mpg driving around town. Haven't got out on the motorway yet I reckon I should scrape the 50.
  4. Hi , I recently purchased my first Audi. There seems to be a couple of issues with it. Maybe someone has experienced the same issues as me and hopefully can help. Issues are- Poor mpg 35-40 ( note 20 inch alloys don't help) When car is warm and when I slow down to a stop and take off there seems to be a puff of blue smoke. Car seems to keep revs up a little so.egimes when drawing down. Fan stays on for a good while when I stop after a journey. Even came on after driving 2 miles before. Auto stop isn't always available. Car drives fine with loads of power. Haven't noticed any major loss of oil.
  5. Mines 2012 2.0 Tdi auto. Only have it a short while but getting 35mpg if I drive it on and could almost scrape 50 mpg while taking it as easy as possible. Town and main road driving combined. Probably get 35 mpg around town alright.
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