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    A7 Sportback S Line Ultra
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  1. Yes that fully opens and closes everything including the sunroof
  2. Hi thanks for your reply, the tragic thing is not so long ago I’ve had the battery replaced supplied from main dealer as well!!
  3. Hi All, Ive noticed recently that when I start the car the drivers side door mirror folds but the passenger side remains folded. Only when I manually turn the turn mirror knob to fold and then unfold then both unfold together. When you remotely arm the car both mirrors fold no problem. Any idea’s??
  4. Mine only does it on the motorway only, whilst it’s up when you slow down it bleeps with the rear spoiler fault. Then it stays up until you park up and shut the car off completely and only then you have to press the button to drop it down, it won’t go down automatically.
  5. NJP10

    TPMS - Fault

    I didn’t reset the MMI when the tyres were fitted but I always reset it after checking the tyre pressure. Well that resolved this issue, I have a second issue with regards to my rear spoiler fault, do I start a new topic or carry on with this thread?
  6. NJP10

    TPMS - Fault

    Hi Sid2020, No it doesn’t display the PSi readings therefore it must be a passive system. A couple of months ago I had the new tyres fitted on the front, and the old pair went on the rear, which probably has uneven tread depth on them, therefore causing the TPMS fault to occur just on high speed travels, that makes sense now hopefully 🤞🏽
  7. NJP10

    TPMS - Fault

    No idea doesn’t indicate, I’ll get it on a diagnostic machine and see what it comes up with 👍🏽 Hi Sid2020, No it doesn’t display the PSi readings therefore it must be a passive system. A couple of months ago I had the new tyres fitted on the front, and the old pair went on the rear, which probably has uneven tread depth on them, therefore causing the TPMS fault to occur just on high speed travels, that makes sense now hopefully 🤞🏽
  8. NJP10

    TPMS - Fault

    No idea doesn’t indicate, I’ll get it on a diagnostic machine and see what it comes up with 👍🏽
  9. NJP10

    TPMS - Fault

    Hi Steve thanks for getting back to me, I was thinking that also, but it’s baffling why it only goes off on the motorways never on the roads🤔
  10. Hi Guys I’ve been having the TPMS warning light pop up only on the motorways never on local driving and not always straight away, it always seems to be at half way point of the journey. When I do check the tyre pressure at the service station they seem to be fine maybe 1psi out but that’s probably due to different machines being calibrated I assume. The strange thing is I never seem to get the fault message on the return journey! I always check the pressure before leaving maybe the night before or on the day.
  11. Not sure if the new battery needed a good charge but I’ve had no issues with the spoiler error code or the spoiler not coming down after you stop driving. My mechanic did say at the time the next thing to look at was the sensor for the spoiler.
  12. Hi, since I had the battery replaced it seems to be working fine. Automatically goes up after 70+ mph
  13. That’s good to know, my passenger door speaker has been fine since, touch wood so are all the others 🤞🏽
  14. So Steve I’m I right in saying it’s only manually operated via the switch. It doesn’t raise automatically when you’re going above a certain speed? Like I said before the fault doesn’t appear on local journeys 🤔
  15. Yes I ended up getting a battery from Audi (Varta) making sure it definitely coded up to the car. I asked my mechanic and he said :-there was an intermittent code for the spoiler motor but a static code for a voltage too low code for the spoiler. He was under the impression that a new battery would have resolved this, but obviously not!!
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