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    A3 8pa
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  1. The only other thing you could try is running Vagcom on it?
  2. I think you'll have to try a new battery Tbh. As I said euro do some good deals on bank hols currently 40 percent off.
  3. It's even worse if you have stop start
  4. I think the only one to trust is Vagcom. I don't trust the readers either they're made to fit too many vehicle brands.
  5. It's an odd one. I'd only suggest a brand new battery. Try Euro when they have a sale on?
  6. Are the rear speakers fine? Just a thought but if they are fine then you could have a frayed wire. Possibly caused by a window regulator change. A wire might have got caught or damaged.
  7. Nothing like OE to be honest depending on year I'd try one from a breakers. My local one charges about a tenner for them. Tbh I deleted mine and I haven't missed it. I see quite a few around with arms dropped onto bodywork or stuck up blocking your view
  8. A cautionary bit of advice if lowering 40 mm I would suggest you get as high quality springs as possible. I lowered mine on 40mm springs it dropped way more like 60mm. Just be careful and stick with H&R or the like.
  9. Normally when you reconnect the battery a lot of the warning lights come on until the car moves. Air bag, seat belt etc. Did you only get the esp and steering wheel? When you disconnected the battery to reset the system did you completely disconnect or just the earth?
  10. Mine was not for esp mine was for glow plug light flashing. As I said whilst looking for a possible solution to my issue I happened across the esp one possibly being the brake light switch. I had searched online on forums etc for causes to my glow plug light flashing. Alot of solutions said replace the brake light switch. So as it was cheap I did this first, as I didn't fancy paying hundreds out replacing glow plugs as suggested by a diagnostic (not Vagcom). When you got to a scrap yard you can always tell parts that cause problems on cars as theyre nearly always gone. Out of 5 audi a3 8p in stock 4 had the switch taken, similar to the weak point on a3 glove box's the hinges. All the glove box's were gone. I'd say faulty brake light switches are a problem with a3s. What people fail to see is a diagnostic is not the answer in every case especially if it's not Vagcom. My daughter had diagnostics done on her car a mk6 1.6tdi golf. It gave error codes for egr so that was replaced, still the same next up egr cooler, still the same. There was more after that it ended up being a sensor.
  11. https://youtu.be/c2CTGzxILNQ
  12. Like I said if I had believed the diagnostics I'd have wasted 100s replacing glow plugs (with added possibility of them being snapped off in the head) and not solved the issue, instead I took the cheap option and got a few switches from the scrappy for £2. A brake switch is also really simple thing to change and is DIY not a garage labour job. Diagnostics are great as long as its Vagcom and not a universal one, I understand why garages do this but it's always a compromise. The reason I suggested this in the first place was when searching for an alternative for mine for glow plug lights someone suggested the brake light switch for this. So I did a YouTube search for a how to and one came up for how to stop the esp light staying on by replacing the brake switch. Heres the link
  13. True its a good idea but people can charge silly money for running Vagcom on a car, unless you can find a helpful person with it on their laptop. You need to make sure as well its not a universal one for all cars. I had this done for a flashing glow plug light. I was told its all four glow plugs luckily I didn't believe them, as it also happened to be the brake switch.
  14. Cheers for that was going to ask this, but you've answered my question. Worked fine on mine
  15. It could be the brake switch located above brake pedal.
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