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Karl g

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  1. That was my thoughts I’d love to get rid of the chrome plastic trims and have proper pipes all the way through easy enough I would have thought just hoping someone else has either done it or found someone who can,probably an expensive thing maybe someone in the club has some insight. It seems to be such a silly thing my a8 diesel had fake trim but it wasn’t meant to look like exhausts just to give the impression and that didn’t bother me at all but because they are clearly making them look like exhausts on the S4 I find it drives me mad as you said it is a heritage thing but they switched to diesel,the customers know they are diesels so why make it look like the old petrol one.I would love to know how many people dismissed the S4 and s6 because of the fake pipes more than dismiss them because they are diesel I bet.Such a shame because the diesel is an epic engine and really suits the car real world quick and economical and I have been hugely impressed with it .....oh but the pipes Steve
  2. No worries just pleased to hear from someone who has the same thoughts just because the petrol ones had four pipes doesn’t mean the diesel has to look the same.I feel they missed a trick...two pipes and debadged would have been a fabulous sleeper.The biggest pain is keeping the left side pipes spotless because they get grubby and the other side doesn’t 🤔.I have yet to hear anyone think it was a good idea surely someone out there has sourced a fix,if the club don’t know nobody will.
  3. Could be worse Steve could be an s6 and they are all fake😁
  4. Hi Steve on the left side are two pipes a gap and then the chrome plated oval pipes on the right side are two chromed pipes that are not attached to anything and blocked off,there is nothing behind them at all.Being a diesel it has just the two pipes but instead of facing down they are straight with a few inches then the chromed ovals.My golf r had 4 real pipes and the outer two on each side were closed and opened up when under load this is not the same have a look at you tube they explain it better than I do. The answer is new back box with proper pipes or to take off the trim and have it as two on the left only but haven’t seen either done
  5. I have a saloon S4 and hate the fake exhausts,ideally would like a proper full set of pipes like my old golf r or a plate to remove the fake side and just have the two.I just don’t get the fake pipe thing I know the s cars traditionally had four pipes so either do 4 for real or 2 real but not fake,sorry it does wind me up.I wondered if anyone has seen either trim to replace the fake ones or a back box system to make them all real.I cannot be the only one wound up by this🤪
  6. I previously owned a golf r 7.5 and decided I was getting old and it was too firm so bought an a8 black edition which lasted 4 months partly because it didn’t fit in the multi-storey at work but mostly because I decided I was not THAT old and pined for a bit more go so did a straight swap for S4 with 2000 miles on the clock.I wanted something that shifts a bit but is economical on the long runs I love going to Scotland and Kent to see family and friends so wanted something that could do it all.900 miles in and all good though no long runs yet but I really enjoy it like the massage seats.I am a polisher so angelwax enigma 2 coats ag high def 2 coats and for the bling in the summer butter wet wax 2 coats on the black looks epic.
  7. I have saloon really quick good mpg.I had golf r before and the mid range punch on S4 would leave it for dead also comfortable and well damped and the sound is not bad either.I love it
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