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Everything posted by Chad_DC

  1. Fingers crossed at least one of the cars I look at today will be just what I'm looking for. Thanks for the help guys!
  2. Aah perfect, thank you. I was hoping someone would say that. At least if the message on the dash is tyre pressure it shouldn't be anything faulty.
  3. Aaah ok, thanks. So it's more an information symbol than a warning symbol. Hmm. That's given me another question (sorry). Is the tyre pressure monitoring done via a module inside the tyre? Or by rotation etc? If it's a module inside the tyre perhaps it's faulty? At least I know there should be a message to look at to tell me what's going on. Useful information. And if I buy one of them I just hope they're a good car. Not had an Audi for many years. Had an old quattro many years ago. Sure it was a 5 cylinder. Sounded nice but was gutless. Had a Mk4 Golf GTi years ago too, but not had any VW or Audi since. I'll be honest...I'm a little nervous spending a chunk of cash on a newer car. I don't usually get cars that are only a few years old. Fingers crossed.
  4. Hi, Yeah that's the one! With it being white, it confused me. I've seen two cars that I might be looking at tomorrow and they both show this same symbol. Different cars from different places. I just don't want to be buying a car that already has an issue. Not sure how to scroll through menus on one, but I'm sure I'll figure it out while I'm there. Thank you for the reply. Fingers crossed it's nothing. Just a bit concerning that anything at all is showing a warning. Chad.
  5. Hi all, Just been looking for information on Audi A4's and stumbled across this site. Thought I may as well joint up and have a nose. So...hello. I'm going to look at a 2017 A4 Sport tomorrow. And if someone could just answer a quick question I'd really appreciate it. There is a symbol on the dash that I'm not familiar with and can't find an answer searching google or indeed on this site. The symbol is an exclamation mark inside a triangle. But it's not red or amber - it's white...? Any ideas? Potentially being new to Audi, I'm stumped on this. If it's something potentially serious I won't bother going to look at the car. Thanks in advance, Chad.
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