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Everything posted by DevQ7

  1. Hi. Yes this is one of the places my garage sent mine to. Hopefully you have better luck with it than i did. Keep me posted. Out of interest where are you based?
  2. Hi Benfoz. Same thing happened to me and it will fail the MOT. I sent mine to 2 different specialists who both said it can't be reprogrammed so i had to go to audi and have the ABS unit replaced. Ring around at the different audi garages near you as the prices i got ranged from 2.5k - 4.5k. I got quotes from local garages also but they're were the same price as the cheapest Audi garage at 2500 as its only a genuine audi part they could use so i just went with audi. Hope this helps Dev
  3. I had this same thing. Sensor didn't change anything. Sent off the ABS control unit to see if it could be saved and it couldn't. Needed a new ABS control unit. Cost just under £3k.
  4. Hi Pen Why did they not repair your Q5 under warranty if it only had 8k on the clock. I'm assuming it was less than 3 years old with milage as low as that? There is no way they can deny knowledge with this thread but continue to do so.
  5. Hi Caccoke. Please do not drive it. I did the unfortunate thing of continuing to drive as the dash message said I could (and I was unaware of this forum) and now have paid just under £3k to replace the abs unit. If they can't replace it then maybe hire a car for your trip? It'll be cheaper than replacing your abs. Hope you get it sorted one way or another. Dev
  6. Do not drive it. I was unaware of how this fault can lead to the abs control unit faulting after a certain number of miles / uses. I now am looking at almost £3k to replace the entire abs control unit and mechanical arm for something which should have only cost about £100.
  7. So am I correct in thinking that of you carry on driving, the only way to get rid of the fault is to replace the ABS control unit and hydraulic part? Simply changing the sensor again will not resolve it?
  8. Hi Gareth. I researched a bit on line and could find no such recall in the USA. Has anyone else tried looking or had any luck? If found how could this help our case here in the UK given Audi UK would say Audi USA is different country and different manufacturer etc.
  9. Hi. I had a phone call with the assistant to the director. I questioned her about the problem and she said that every complaint / error brought to the dealerships attention is relayed back to head office and if they deem that there is an underlying issue, only then do they issue a recall. I raised concerns that there is a significant number of people having the same fault and she said all that we can do it lodge a complaint with the motor ombudsman who can then look into it. I have the same issue as yourself Foxy but they have not offered any help towards the costs. The cost differs from franchise to franchise so the assistant urged me to phone around for a cheaper quote. I was quoted 2275 + 240 labour (Nottingham) . I think if we all can lodge similar complaints to the ombudsman it will hold more weight than just a few of us and maybe those that have been lucky to change their sensor in time could get their abs also checked/changed without a £3k bill.
  10. I missed a call from the directors executive customs relationship manager too. I Will give her a call back tomorrow and see what she has to say but I think if everyone emails Andrew Doyle and the customer services email addresses and expresses their concern over the safety of their audi vehicle it'll hold much more weight. We Can refer to this group where there are tens of affected customers with this fault so there's some sort of trail.
  11. I've sent an email to both emails too. I'm waiting for a reply saying similar that they've not heard of it and sensor wasn't changed at audi etc etc but let's see. Next step will be trading standards / Watchdog.
  12. I was told by an ex-Audi mechanic that it could but when he sent mine off to be fixed they returned it saying it couldn't and that a new one would be needed at a cost of £3k. Thats when i took it to Audi and they confirmed that it needed replacing. I agree that they really need to look into this as its such a vital component of the car that has this fundamental error. Its good/lucky for most of the people on here, that they managed to get the sensor replaced in time but for the ABS unit to be irreparable after driving a few miles is a flawed design fault and needs to be investigated. Email the customer services on [email protected] and the director on [email protected]
  13. Hi Marc. Did Audi manage to switch it off? I have the same problem and they said it can't be cleared and the ABS control unit and hydraulic part need replacing. I also had sent it to audi Nottingham. Dev
  14. Hi Paul, Glad to hear your issue got fixed. When you say you didn't want to run into the ABS issue - what do you mean exactly? i fear this is what I have done unknowingly and now looks like I need my ABS control unit replaced? Dev
  15. Hi All, I have a similar issue but maybe not as simple. I have a Q7 which i bought from Audi 2nd hand and 2 weeks after my 12 month warranty ran out I had a warning sign come up saying 'Brake Servo Restricted - continue to drive but visit garage' or words to that effect. Unfortunately due to personal reasons I failed to purchase extended warranty and also didn't manage to get the car into the garage for a few weeks. The warning sign then changed to 'Brake: Fault - Stop Immediately' - or words to that effect and comes up every time the ignition is turned on. A few days later the brakes started to crunch every time they were applied and I eventually managed to hand it into my local garage who changed the brake servo sensor which cleared up the crunching but the warning sign still remains. They said they couldn't clear the fault and it seems like the ABS unit has 'clocked itself out' and will need replacing. I took it to Audi to look into and they diagnosed it as a possible faulty brake pressure sensor which they suggested to replace at a cost of £185 and if that doesn't work then it'll need a new ABS unit and hydraulic part to fix the issue at a cost of around £3000. When i told them the sensor has been replaced recently the only option they gave was therefore to replace the ABS unit. The sensor that my garage replaced is branded Sensata with OEM number 5QA 906 207A, which i'm assuming is ok to use?! I cant see how Audi changing the sensor will correct the issue as I've had 2 independent mechanics (one of whom used to work for Audi) say that the ABS control unit needs replacing but may be able to get fixed for a few hundred quid? has anyone heard of this? I really don't want to spend £3k if I don't have to. Your help and advice in this is very much appreciated. Look forward to hearing from you Dev
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