I have a similar "fault" (feature?) in my 2023 Q4. It seems to only happen when I'm trying to reverse over the gentle hump onto my driveway. I allow the gentle creep that the car decides to apply to driving backwards (or forwards), the car rolls onto the hump, then, if I don't apply power (which I don't want to do as the car is already moving fast enough to park in a pretty small area), it rolls back down the hump i.e. forwards, while still in reverse. At this point the car gets frightened and applies the Park brake (fortunately I'm going really slow, so it's not a gut wrenching stop). Then it won't come out of Park. There's a bunch of meaningless red and yellow symbols come up, but no useful message saying how to get out of this (unnecessary?) "protection" feature. I have to get out, lock, unlock and then I can drive again.