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  1. Hi I'm looking for good garage who can help me with setting timing on camshafts. Last garage change me whole timing and chains with adjusters on camshafts and now car have some errors. I'm from Sheffield but car is drivable. I just need someone who know how to set everything correct in this v8 4.2 bfm engine.
  2. Thanks so just give them appropriate review on every place they advertise
  3. Garage change lambda on bank2 instead bank 1 wat I ask for. I use different garage to sort it but is any chance I can claim for wrong job done on my car in previous garage? Car been taken back to them and they say averything is ok but I clearly see errors from bank 1 lambda. Now is replaced with genuine one and I have bill and invoice to prove it. Should I go and ask why they replace good bank2 lambda for new one? It cost me there £360 + 2.5h labour. Other garage done it for 100 +152 for part.
  4. Hi guys. Have anyone got a clue where I can get centre caps for flat five cantona alloys? I look everywhere and no luck.
  5. Hi thanks for reply. When I take car next day I've been told they just change lambda and not investigating any further and car can shake because of that sensor... I will wait and see what they gonna do. I have full invoice from them so I can take car later to different one and check what they actually change.
  6. Hi everyone. I'm new owner of classic A8L d3 4.2 petrol. I want to ask you guys what I can do with dodgy garage repairs? I left my car in garage specialising only in German cars and as they say only genuine parts they use and is dealer quality for more affordable price. I test my car with fiew diagnosing devices and it came up with bad engine mount and lambda. I took car to garage plus wheels make noise so I tel them to replace bearings on front and balance alloys. All together was 2x engine mounts ( Imported from Germany) new lambda sensor, 2x wheel bearings, brake fluid and aircon regas. Heating was not great so I ask them to look in to it. Bill was for £2400 and heating not fixed but I've been charged £60 for that. I picked up car and returned next day because lambda still give me 4 errors, wheels are noisy bonnet not locking now on one side and car start shaking when put in drive. They took car to check everything now and my question to you guys is how to deal with them if they want to charge me more ( I already paid 2400 ). Garage have great reviews and even my friend take his Mercedes amg there every time he need to. Forgot to mention about knocking suspension after bearing change..... Sorry for posting in here but I'm new and don't really know where I should post that.
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