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Everything posted by NJ2803

  1. Fingers crossed it’ll be a little sooner for me then. December is too far away, well it seems that way. Just wanting the car now.
  2. Did you ever get a confirmed build date or did it go from a provisional date to arriving at the dealer. I’ve been given a provisional December delivery. Ordered around 3 weeks after yourself.
  3. Looking good. When’s your official collection? Is the one key thing for any new car orders been taken or for orders already taken. I’d be a little disappointed if I have to pay extra having already ordered the car.
  4. Sounds hopeful for me then. I ordered start of June and have provisional build week of 41 and provisional delivery first week in December. Fingers crossed it’ll arrive sooner. I’ll be checking back for updates next week.
  5. Found this on another forum regarding build dates: “Just a heads up to all of you waiting for a build week. I've been informed that all build week slots for A3 are full until week 29 and that we should be given one after this date. Fingers crossed at least that's a little info instead of being totally in the dark”
  6. I’ll get on to it next week and see if they have any updates. If it’s ready before September I may ask like you to wait for the 1st September. I did that a few years ago when I ordered a couple of VWs they were ready February but asked to wait until March.
  7. I ordered an Edition 1 35 tfsi s tronic last week and was told October/November delivery. Hopefully it’ll come forward a bit.
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