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Brian74656 last won the day on July 18 2021

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  • Gender
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    F1 cricket classic cars
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  • Town / County
    West midlands
  • Audi Model
    A5 sline Black edition quattro
  • Audi Year

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  1. Hi im a store manager for onestop
  2. Very very very nice 😍
  3. I'll definately give the milau bridge a go
  4. Follow up I have had bigger engined mercs and jaguar xkrs, but being rear wheel drives they don't touch my a5 gor handling, I can honestly say even though my jag was 500bhp my.a 5 will ho round bends at least twice as fast thanks to the quattro system
  5. Well 3 months in to my s line black edition quattro and I'm still loving life, although the tdi engine performance is mediocre at best I have to say the styling and the grip from the quattro system is superb, the interior design still excites me everytime I drive her. I can honestly say I am now an audi convert for life. She is just so pretty to look at
  6. For sure but I still love my a5 it's such a beautiful looking car I think she will also be a classic genuinely I love driving my a5 more than any other car I've owned and I've had a lot lol from celica gt4 to 911 convertible to xkr e type jag more British classics than I can count, mercs bmws rs turbs cosworths the list goes on. I've owned nearly four hundred performance and executive cars but although my a5 is nowhere near the fastest car I've owned I love the handling the styling the design of the car and I can honestly say I'm now an audi convert
  7. Hope this helps
  8. Error Code P0322 is defined as Ignition/Distributor Engine Speed Input Circuit Low. This code applies to all spark ignition engines, such as Audi
  9. Very nice love the French blue
  10. how gorgeous is this concept audi
  11. Well just cleaned my girl and found another stone chip on the bonnet, does anyone else get as upset as me when they find their baby is scratched lol or am I just really sad. This is incredibly dull I know but I've just been looking at my girls on my drive and thinking life is good. I'm so lucky to have such lovely cars to play with, hope you are all staying safe and enjoying your rides 😊 ☺ ❤
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