Hi all.
Does anyone know of someone or someplace that can do VCDS recoding in the North East.
I was all set to go to a nice chap called Claudio at VCDS Diagnostics until I realised he was 271 miles away.
I am needing my head unit removed and recoded to UK spec from Japan as well as a few other little jobs.
Any help appreciated
Hi, yeah I following the MM. Its got 76000 on now, I have done aboit 7000 since I got it and its due an oil chamge in about 2000 miles according to the MMI.
Audi actually said its within limits and expectations as has a VAG specialist. Its got no PCV codes, no blue smoke no lag. Runs great ti be honest just a quarg of oil every thousand miles does seem odd.
I am wonderjng if its worth changing it earlier than recommended duw to the miles I do.
Hi Gareth
. I do about 1000 miles a month, give or take. Serviced every time the car says it needs it, but I sometimes have to add a lt every 1000 or so miles
Hi everyone.
So, finally found a reputable VCDS guru who is upspecing my Japanese imported A6 3.0T. Was chatting maintenance and he mentioned Liqui Moly. sweara by it.
Before I go and buy some for my oil change thats due soon I was wondwring has anyone on here used it and if so, whats the verdict?
I only use the recommended oil by Audi anyway but this chap said it made a huge difference to his oil consumption and overall performance.
Thanks. I have no issues paying the premium price, but I am concerned about the supply in 5 years when the government are lokking at phasing it out. Audi arent much help, they just said " It 'should' be ok" !!!
Hi all.
I have a 2011 A6 3.0T ( Japanese import) For the first time since owning it I had to find a garage that sold E5 as that is what the dealer said eas best for my car. I have read that mine can, but I woild love some advice / recommendation from owners on here. Is it ok to mix the fuel if needed and will it do damage if I just start using E10?
Thanls everyone
I need a hand.
I have an 04 A8 which has keyless entry and advanced key.
Issue I have is the drivers side door lock buttons don't lock the car, but the passenger sides work fine.
Also although the glass can be adjusted perfectly fine the drivers side mirror doesn't fold away, only the passenger side does.
Does anyone know if there is a fuse for each side and if so where is it?
I am hoping to avoid an expensive diagnostic by AUDI.
Just upgraded my A6 to an A8
The drivers side folding mirror and both drivers door and OSR passenger door lock buttons don't work, but the other side does.
Any member know if this is a fuse problem and if so where is the fuse for the mirrors and the door handle buttons?
Keyless entry works fine as does the start stop button ( not the finger print start )
2004 A8 with electric boot, heated seats and AUDI phone
Any member had this before?
2 years and all I have had is a blown side light bulb, today I have noticed that when I accelerate and lift my foot off the throttle the engine continues to rev high for about 1.5-2seconds and then settles.
Had her on the diagnostics machine which has no faults, pending or otherwise but it does appear from observations that the pedal is not returning quickly and does so slowly hence why I think the engine is still revving. Is the 06 model fitted with a cable throttle and could it be sticking or is it something to do with the pedal itself?
Aside from that the car runs perfectly, only noticed it because I didn't use cruise control today
Hi everyone, just joined, looking forward to getting involved and swapping stories. I currently own an A6 2.7 S-Line Quattro. Had it for 2 years, it's my 1st Audi but not my last, can't imagine driving anything else. God bless German Engineering. :)