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    A6 avant ultra S line
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  1. Hi all and thanks for looking, I have owned an A6 avant (2016) now for approximately 6 months and one thing really bothers me more than it should. The fact that the Bluetooth will always disconnect during audio playback if a phone call comes in, or if I change service (Spotify - YouTube). Audi say I have the latest software and other forums suggest to sync the phone without contacts. This does not work for me though. Has anyone also suffered the same issue and has anyone found a solution? my phone is an iPhone and I’ve read that may be part of the problem? many thanks.
  2. Hi Steve, unfortunately the car is not new, it is a 2016 C7 so is no longer under warranty. I’ve seen a few sites that host updates but I am unsure which would be correct. Is there a list of softwares I could reference that you know of?
  3. Hello all, having recently become an owner of a 2016 C7 I wanted to give it some time before I started quizzing the forum on any issues but one is quite frustrating. if I have an incoming call to my phone then after the call has finished it seems Bluetooth will be disconnected. It takes 5-10 minutes to sort itself out and during this time I cannot manually reconnect. My phone still acts like it is connected. This is really annoying when I’m listening to music through Spotify as I cannot continue the music playback through the car audio. The song continues to play on the phone but no sound as it still thinks it is connected to mmi. for reference I use an iPhone 12 pro im wondering if an mmi update is required or if anyone has experienced similar?
  4. Hi Tony, I would be interested in hearing what you have done so far? I really want to change the footwell lighting so it stays on. Think this should allow me to retro fit footwell ambient lighting. I also seem to be having issues with Bluetooth. It disconnects if I receive a phone call during music playback. Maybe my MMI needs updating?
  5. Hello, ive just become the owner of an A6 avant ultra. Really enjoying the ride so far. I’m sure I’ll have plenty to ask over the coming months so look forward to discussing things with some of you. cheers daz
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