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alpha omega

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Everything posted by alpha omega

  1. just been to national tyres they cant find anything wrong with the tyres apart from slight wear to rear edge.but they reckon that would not cause that thudding/flapping noise.i did say the noise was definately coming from the front.they could not help any further.i will soldier on and update all with any results thank you gareth
  2. good idea gareth, the mot's not due yet for a few months.i will find a tyre place as suggested and go from there and update you and all on this kind regards
  3. had a good look on youtube at changing the suspension i think i will leave it to the garage too much hassle
  4. hi again gareth, i totally agree with everything you have said..i too am frustrated that no one has actually said yes i know what the cause is.when i did the oil change(used ramps)i did not see any loose plastic...audi main dealers put both front lower curved arm bushes split mot failure.and other issues.but never told me about what was actually causing the thudding /flapping issue.first thing i said to halfords was that i have this thudding /flapping noise.they said we are not allowed to take it for a run to find out, and came back with the exact same faults as the main audi dealer had put.(i wonder if they share information on the internet)...thats when i questioned them about the noise i was experiencing and asked if doing the bushes would solve it.and of course they said they could not guarantee it would.and the other audi dealer said its the wheel bearing thats causing the noise.they said a wheel bearing can cause a thudding/flapping noise.if i knew for certain that this noise i am hearing can be rectified then i will gladly pay them the money.but have no confidence in either of their diagnosis. if someone on this forum have replaced both front lower curved arm bushes or replaced a front offside wheel bearing(without using a press)then i would gladly have a go myself.i have done things like timing/auxillary belt/brakes/discs etc.its just on this car i am struggling to find a decent jacking point without crushing anything.i do honestly really appreciate your input gareth kind regards
  5. i can't justify paying £500 so i may have a go myself if i can get lemforder.i will look on youtube if anyone has done this themselves please advise where the jacking points are also the jack stand points and any pitfalls.as this is really why i joined this forum to gain knowledge and save money and pass on anything i have learnt.thanks all
  6. booked in with halfords.... front suspension bushes need replacing £500 not guaranteed to clear the thudding noise though
  7. sorry gareth if i made it sound as if he changed the oil and filter there and then.....no i had to go back to the garage at a certain time and he started on my car straight away then wandered off doing other vehicles and got distracted hence the 2 hour time it took him.thank you for all your advice
  8. honestly gareth i have been struggling to find a decent garage to look at this flapping/thudding noise.other than 2 audi specialists.mmmm all i get is too busy at other garages near me..here is what happened to me recently.i went to a local garage and while talking he had said he had been there 14 years.i saw a few vehicles in his garage.i asked him to change the oil and oil filter.so while waiting 2 hours later....yes 2 hours later....he gave me the car back i drove it a mile....the car warned me LOW ON OIL...i looked under the bonnet and there was oil everywhere he nearly killed my engine.hence i borrowed some low ramps and changed the oil and filter myself...so i am now reluctant to take the car to any small garage....did try ringing my audi garage this morning but no answer.been busy so will try again in the morning.
  9. apologies again for a late reply.thanks gareth ive now been told by another audi specialist that its the front offside wheel bearing thats causing the thudding/flapping noise.£280 plus vat to fit a !Removed! bearing.he said a wheel bearing can cause a thudding flapping sound.would anyone on here agree with the diagnosis and cost thanks once again
  10. update.had an audi specialist check the car over on monday had the car a few hours.he said 2 wishbones need doing and an oil and filter change.not heard anything back as of today(friday) so i borrowed some ramps(with height adjusters) bought some 5w30 oil a genuine audi oil filter from audi and a sump plug and changed that myself. i used a 19mm socket on the sump plug and a 32mm socket on the oil filter(put 3 new rubber rings on).....i am not chasing the garage i may have to try another garage.at least my oil level is ok now...
  11. thanks gareth i eventually found the signiture hence my name cheers
  12. testing this reply to see if i have worked out how to reply to peoples questions without using someones quote
  13. apologies again.my name is john, but it wont allow me to put that name in,as it says it is in use.also i dont know how to work out how to reply to anyone without their quote not unless ive done it now...for some reason i thought putting my signiture pictures in were going in to the gallery section. sorry if you would kindly help me with this....your reply makes a lot of sense.i will ask 1or 2 garages tomorrow(monday)to see what they think.and go from there.i will let you all know asap thanks john
  14. hi gareth audi says that i need to have the work done and maybe the noise will disappear. it only makes that flapping noise when driving at certain angles ie merging onto a by pass. its ok in a straight line.i have wrote that name down lemforder.i will try another garage and go from there to see what quote i get.would you gareth or anyone else on this forum know if its a difficult job..or would it be best to use a garage.thanks all
  15. r to leave it to a garage.thanks all...ps where would be the be apologies for not putting my name in.the moderators must have put that name in lol. changed it now.i am a newbie so am making mistakes at the moment.here is the information from audi of what needs doing thanks
  16. Newby. hello everyone, i bought an audi A4(b8) saloon technic 2.0 tdi 2011 about 2 months ago and its been great.then set off one day and heard all i can say is a flapping noise.i took it to my local audi and they have said i need to change most of my suspension and 2 rear tyres and tracking.got a big quote.☹️i have changed dropped links etc.could i tackle this myself or would it be better to leave it to a garage.thanks all
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