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    A3 2.0TDI 170 S-tronic
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  1. We have some positive news. Looks like this is the best this car has run in a long time! I am obviously driving this with a big smile on my face now when you have the 170bhp engine kicking strong. So from the start I found the actuator was leaking off air and not holding when tested using vac tester and I replaced this with a spare engine my friend had for a couple of drinks and roughly coping the thread sizes etc when putting it back on. I then replaced the MAF from a spare golf 140bhp BKD( same part numbers) with these two parts the car got better. I still had the hiccup on taking off from stop and flat out on the motorway the hiccups followed through on occasion with lacking power. Finally giving I decided to change the fuel filter - it was completely covered. Started it up after priming and right from the idle I knew I was getting somewhere now so took it for a drive and praise the lord I had boost kicking in at 2.5k pulling the car effortlessly. The actuator then had a bit of adjustment after reading Google and YouTube I found with the vac pump set it so around 4hg it starts moving actuator and shuts at around 18hg( still need help checking the recommended voltages to make sure it's 101% set to parameters) I have now forgotten what the EML light looked like 🙂 Now just some tweaking left with a nice oil and filter change, add some VCDS tweaks, polish the car, alloys refurbed, and a dent sorted. Also, the DSG is behaving and crazy how it changes gears so quickly on full acceleration. Thanks for all your help Steve.
  2. So after fighting with this fault, I finally got somewhere but still not sorted. Replaced N95 valve same problem. Replaced actuator as wasn't holding with my vac tester so now holding vac using vac tester and found fault but slightly different. Adjusted actuator, same issue again different pattern of glow plug light flashing so then went and adjusted again but this time I done it using the vac tester using the following :- Vac tester connected to actuator and saw actuator started moving at 10hg and didn't hit full open until 25hg Adjusted actuator so it started moving at 4hg and stopped at around 18-20hg and now the light is gone but comes on intermittently but I now have good boost and car runs ALOT smoother! I reckon a bit more tweaking and this fault is now solved. I don't know how to read the voltage readings on the vcds for the actuator so if anybody knows how I can get this actuator spot on then please let me know. Thanks all.
  3. Some complicated way of setting actuator on this model. Instead of the traditional two nuts in-between the control arm, it has the one bolt and a round spinny thing in the middle. Such a pain as the whole actuator has to come off if I'm adjusting it with the turbo still on the car. Does anybody know the exact setting for configuring this actuator on the BNM?
  4. Afternoon all, Guess the problem of that fualt code is long gone!!! Managed to source an actuator and changed. The car now behaves and no longer have the kangaroo effect. New problem now is that I am getting a owl sound (police siren) noise when it's spooling up and when on boost it is nowhere near speedy as it was. Does this mean the actuator is set too loose and needs tightening or does it need loosening? So happy!!!!! Once again thank you for all your help.
  5. Hello Steve, I think I have finally cracked this. Should the actuator hold pressure? I also have a 140bhp golf which has been sitting on my drive for over a year and I have only realise these two engines share similar design and also the BKD manifold from there could be used in my BNM engine as an updated de-swirled manifold 🙂 VID-20211118-WA0030.mp4
  6. Hello Steve, I got the N95 part, fitted it, to our not so good news, still exact same fault. Do you think this has something to do with the swirlflaps? Something even on idle is causing the actuator to open and close moving the VANES open and close. The opening and closing of the VANES is mirroring when i go in drive and start driving, as even when driving, i can hear the VANES open and close every 5 seconds. I am now looking at swirlflaps, the vac pipe sensor at the front of the engine which has a plastic rod going into the timing belt area(what is this) It is really strange how nobody has posted anything about this fault code even on google. There must be some BNM engine gurus out here who could help. Thank you for all your help. Ash
  7. Hello Steve, Only me again and part ordered with a wish it fixes this problem. Worth a shot anyway as looking at the current one it may even be the original looking at the date code on that. Part ordered and for anyone else looking for this valve, it's the Pierburg N75 - Part number - 7.00868.02.0 to replace OEM part 1J0 906 627 B or 1K0 906 627 Let's see if we have finally cracked this issue! A pub crawl with unlimited pints on me Steve!
  8. Any vagcom experts here? VID-20211114-WA0008.mp4 After spending half of my Sunday diagnosing My N95 valve is continuously opening and closing actuator. Voltage seem to go up and down whilst it opens and closes, when I run a VCDS output test in the valve, it goes steady at just over 1v and actuator stops moving. I am at a lost cause and thinking of moving back to vauxhall! Haha
  9. Hi Steve, With all sensors connected and hoses connected, should the actuator move like this in the video on idle continuously? If I disconnect a hose then it stops going up and down. I can hear the car hunting when this actuator is going up and down. Thanks again.
  10. Hello Steve, Many thanks for all your help. I have just found the issue may not be related to the vane as it seems to be moving with actuator continuously this also explains the as per attached video. Whilst this is moving up and down if I disconnect one of the hoses then it stops moving. Is it normal for actuator to do this on idle? also if I disconnect one of the sensor on the right hand side the moving stops too which I have taking a pic off. Could this sensor be the main issue? VID-20211113-WA0014.mp4
  11. Had a good play on the motorway but still the same. I noticed the glowplug light seems to keep flashing and also had low pressure warning on the instrument screen. Also found this so might help to see if vanes are sticking or not. https://youtu.be/PeXINaXro8k I got my mates vagcom dongle now so will try doing some test with that too 🙂 It seems the 1st gear almost hit a brick wall feeling when taking off is related to the engine running as when on idle or when driving steady on any gear I can almost feel the kangaroo effect. Hopefully my dsg is all ok. Will update soon.
  12. Thanks Steve. It's defo worth a shot of EGR and Turbo cleaner. Will head out to euro tommorow and also taking a drive to Leicester now in the hope it frees up the vanes.
  13. Yep two separate issues definitely. One the gearbox is melted chocolate by the way it engages 1st gear but rest of the gears are super smooth. 2nd like engine issue.
  14. Good afternoon Steve, Thanks for your reply. It does sound like either the actuator isn't working and just opening and closing or the vanes are blocked and the car is constantly trying to open and close. Are these manually adjustable like normal actuators? I remember my vauxhall actuator had to manually tighten the actuator bolt as it was constantly losing boost. Thanks.
  15. Hello all, I am hoping somebody will be able to point me in the right direction. The car in question, my first Audi, an A3 with the BNM 170bhp engine. I get a very jumpy first gear when taking of however I noticed if stay in say 3rd gear and keep driving with throttle steady, I am able to hear the turbo dumping boost and then building up again and then dumping every few seconds. The only code I have on is P2565 – Turbocharger Boost Control Position Sensor Circuit High – Short to Plus. Many thanks in advance Ash
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