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Everything posted by ConorReading

  1. Wondering if anyone can help.. I cant seem to find out what oil I need to put in this model of car. Its an audi 80 quattro 1984 5 cylinder petrol 2.2L Any advice would be appreciated :)
  2. Right I'm off work on Monday so can be free any time, let me know what suits you best if you're still up for it
  3. I'll see today if I can book Monday off work and I'll let you know
  4. Will be around from 6 o'clock at the earliest unfortunately
  5. Sounds like you're the right guy to be in touch with then, would like to start as soon as possible so if you're free this weekend or any day after 6 o'clock that'd be brilliant. I'm hopefully going to get a couple of mates round one night this week to get some fluids in the car and try jump starting it to see what happens.
  6. I believe it is yeah, i've seen pictures of this model when they're looking brand new and I must say i've taken a big liking to them myself :) The interior isn't in the greatest of conditions to be honest, I took the gear knob off because the leather had passed it's expiry date as it were, the seats are in quite good condition but i'd look at replacing them after the car is up and running and the dash is cracked from the change of temperature over the years it's been sitting there. I'll also be replacing the steering wheel as this one is looking a bit mouldy.. So anything that seems to be a problem i'll just be replacing anyway. I'm based in Hornchurch, Essex. Would love to make a start on getting it done because my dad wants his garage back by christmas. Would look lovely on the drive anyway ;)
  7. Hey all, I've got an Audi 80 from my uncle because it was sitting on his drive for a few years as he stopped driving for personal reasons. The red colour had faded so I thought i'd strip the paint myself and get it repainted... I made a start and realised that i'm no mechanic and need someone to do the work for me so it gets done properly, the bonnet has rusted a little bit but the rest of the car still has its faded red colour. The car was running fine before my uncle stopped driving but that was 5 years ago so i'm not sure what sort of damage took place over the time. I'm looking for someone that wants a little project and could get my Audi looking good and running well. Other than needing a paint job the car is actually in quite good condition, there are a few teething problems that would need some attention but nothing major. The car rolls fine, the tyres are reasonably new, the brakes work and the engine has been turned over manually. If anyone is interested please don't hesitate to get in touch, Here's a picture of the car when I got it :) Conor.
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