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Everything posted by Natalie

  1. Very good point. I’m trying to work out if I want the car back. It’s only a couple of months old 😞. Such a dangerous fault to have
  2. Hi Gareth and thanks for your reply. You can drive the car in ‘B’ mode which will allow it to brake for you when you take your foot off the accelerator. I normally drive the vehicle in ‘D’ which is similar to a normal drive in automatic. What the vehicle is doing thankfully only seem to happen at lower speeds, however I have no doubt it could have happened anywhere. The sheer violent jerk of it stopping was horrifying. Would be interesting to see if anyone else has experienced this.
  3. Anyone else having problems with their Audi Q4 E-Tron. So far I cant set myself up as a user - This problem is ongoing and not resolved! Secondly it now violently decides to go into Park while driving. It is such a violent and abrupt stop, as you’d expect when a car decides to go into park whilst moving. It then turns the engine off and steering disengages. Currently with Audi but when I told them about the fault I think they thought I had it set to sensitive and was just stopping. Poor guy nearly hit his head on the windscreen when he was pulling off and it emergency stopped on him, not once but twice. I have lost all faith in my car and this is such a dangerous fault. I wondered if anyone else is experiencing the same thing? And I don’t mean a sudden stop when you get too close to something. Goes into Park and switches off whilst driving?
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