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Everything posted by Ariator

  1. Has anyone attempted to change the pointless Card Holder to a Cup holder? Check the below article. I want to do it but only if it's easy. Any pointers? http://forums.fourtitude.com/showthread.php?2447629-Card-holder-removed.-Cup-holder-installed.-DIY.-A3.&p=26955386&viewfull=1 I think the card holder is so pointless and the cup holder would be fantastic for plastic bottles of coke etc. More useful.
  2. Thanks guys! Will take a look at that stuff. My car is Black in colour.
  3. Hi guys, What is the best way to removed dried bird !Removed!. If I'm honest it's been on the car for at least 3 months as it doesn't look like it was washed for that long. I don't know what these birds eat but it's like cement. Any tricks, methods best practices that I can us. Is there special sprays for it? Thanks
  4. Hey, did you fix this? Firstly lol @ your wife for breaking it. Mine is broke too. It was like that when I bought it and I want yo fix it. When I lift it to access the cup holder to lid opens and it's just !Removed! annoying. Any pointers would be great.
  5. Oh and you don't have yo replace it at quick fit, they are just honest in their inspection that's why I go to them first.
  6. This sounds like my old car. The catalysis converter sounds like it's finished. Take it to quick fit ask them to lift the car and get it checked. I believe you'll have to replace it, Sorry mate. Keep me updated!
  7. Check the tracks. Hopefully they are not damaged. I have a feeling you might have a coin stuck in it (which has fallen out of someone's pocket). Alternatively spray WD40 on the tracks under the seat, might be due to to rust or dirt. Good luck and keep us updated.
  8. After owning a Ford Escort for years and modding it using my Student Loan I can only advise you to keep the mods go a minimum and save your money. When you go to sell 90% of people won't want to touch the car if it's been modded. Believe me....
  9. I think this question is for the Audi dealer. If I think money, then I don't see why they won't upgrade your car (at a cost). They might not do so if there are legal reasons like: the car was a 2012 reg car (and that's the details at DVLA) but changes make it look like a 2014. But I can't think of upgrades that can affect the car in that way.
  10. Hey, I haven't heard this before but it could be possible. When you say 'it didn't got faster than 80' did the car still feel comfortable or was it clearly struggling and shaking about? Blocked cat-converters can results in big loss of power though this is at less speed. Normally 40phm and when you put your foot day the car feels like it's choaking and shutters back and forth violently while moving until you remove your foot from the pedal. Ask at an Sufi garage to see if the 'protecting the engine' is true. That's what I'd do.
  11. Hi Everyone! I've just bought a 55 plate black 3dr Audi TDI and wanted to say hi and ask for any advice on things I should look out for as I want to catch problems early. Alittle about me: My first car was a crappy Corsa then a 1998 Ford Escort GTI (Black 3dr, and yes it was a 'GTI' they were the only GTI badge Fords ever made) and then it went alittle down hill and I had a 206 SXI and now the Audi. Just to clarify I drove many cars in between but never actually owned them. My Audi: So there is one major change to the car, the previous owner had the car lowered. I have never owned a lowered car before and driving it around London in the 1st 15mins I remembered why I hated them. Now he said it's lowered my 20mm ('same as an S Line'). I'm worried that these springs were not fitted properly but to be fair I drove it for a while and it seemed fine (apart from the scraping of small road bumps, ggrrr <_< - will pump up the tyres tomorrow.). He also gave me the old suspension, I was thinking of selling these do you think anyone would be interested in buying them if I put the on ebay or should I not waste my time? I already seen loads of dried leaves stuck under the bonnet which I hate. Any tricks on getting them out of the cracks and corners? (I could honestly say he has not washed this car in about 3 months. so I'm not looking forward to seeing all the dents and scratches I couldn't see when it was dirty) Any advice on things I should look out for with these cars would be great! I will have it washed an boost up some photos of it. All in all it's good to be back among car enthusiasts again. My Escort was awesome & hope this Audi would be the same. I can't wait to contribute to the forums here in the future!!
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